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Base Breaking Character / Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

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Every member of the cast aside from the mostly well-liked May, with seemingly every single person having a different opinion on the matter.

  • Even May herself fell under this from season 2 onward due to her constant hypocrisy and overly pessimistic viewpoint. While at the same time, her backstory of having to kill a young girl and the event heavily traumatizing her and tragic relationships - namely her early trust issues with Coulson (not helped by her causing most of it) and that of her ex-husband (who turns out to become a killer Inhuman, not unlike the girl she had to put down) - make her a Jerkass Woobie at worst. However, she's broken out of most of it by season 4.
  • Coulson, in spite of being the only reason the show was made, has became this. For some he's the same dork people loved from the movies who now gets to be fleshed out with an interesting character arc exploring the Myth Arc of T.A.H.I.T.I. and the Kree map, and is a likeable, Good Is Not Soft Team Dad. Others however found him an over-hyped static character and didn't understand the need for a spin-off, and have came to find him boring compared to the rest of the cast of the show, and finding his leadership flawed and a case of Protagonist-Centered Morality. It doesn't help that it is mostly believed that he has Plot Armor that prevents him from being killed off until he's reunited with the Avengers or risk a case of They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot, making him more safe from potential death compared to the rest of the cast.
  • Out of all the main characters, it seems Ward became the biggest example (at least, since Skye got Rescued from the Scrappy Heap), thanks to his betrayal of the team by revealing his allegiance to HYDRA. There's a massive split between fans who want to see him redeem himself and those who want him to go away/get killed/other bad stuff, with some of it getting pretty vitriolic. It hurts that he's a show-original character whose skills are talked up as being as big as Romanoff and Barton, meaning that some love him for his badassery while others resent him for it. In addition to that, there is also the attempted dismantlement of his Freudian Excuse in Season 3. While some people think it helped to really establish him as a villain, others think of it as a clumsy attempt to take all sympathy the audience might have had for him away, as well as much of the character's depth. There is also a serious schism about the question whether his past was ever an excuse for his actions or not.
  • Skye/Daisy: Daisy has, since the beginning of the show, had a fair share of haters and defenders, initially due to the perceived over-importance given to her and unrealistic nature of her recruitment into S.H.I.E.L.D. (the latter case a matter of Reality Is Unrealistic); this was because, though the show's lead character, initially it was hyped as 'Coulson's show plus friends' (he instead plays a Giles-esque mentor role and serves as the secondary main character in the narrative, though tends to be center in group posters) and so many didn't expect her to be so important, leading to accusations of her being shilled (as argued at the time, she was no more shilled than any other character). Later, as she went through heavy Character Development, many fans embraced her as a prominent Action Girl and one of the few women-of-color leads in a superhero work, while others complained about her being changed too much and becoming unrecognizable.
    • By seasons 3 and 4, though, some segments of fans took a strong dislike to her due to her occasional self-righteousness (which she is called on) and her reaction to the events of the end of season 3, while others have argued how unfair this reaction is given just how much she actually went through (which more than justifies her wanting to stay away from everyone and take down the Watchdogs without having the Sokovia Accords interfere), and how much her supposedly horribly selfish actions actually pale when compared to other characters, particularly Captain America and Barry Allen (who have both done the exact things she's done, and worse, without being held at fault over them).
    • Season 5's second arc doubles this, as after she is operated on by Fitz under the partial influence of his alter ego "The Doctor" to reactivate her powers, fans became split between those who think she's became unreasonably harsh and Took a Level in Jerkass in response, and those who find this view entirely unfair given what Fitz did to her. At the same time, Daisy sees Fitz as guilty of Cold-Blooded Torture and considers it as him crossing the Moral Event Horizon by ensuring the Earth-Shattering Kaboom that she is prophesied to cause.
  • Simmons, and how much sympathy viewers think that she deserves in season 2: She's either suffering just as much as Fitz, in her own way, and was forced to make a brutal decision because she believed she was hurting him and knew he'd be worse in the long-run if she stayed; or she's just incredibly selfish for leaving Fitz when he needed her the most, especially since he endangered himself to stand by her through her own illness and later nearly died saving her life. It got worse with her developing Fantastic Racism towards superpowers after Trip's death, with people either claiming that she hates anyone not human or pointing that she has not had a pleasant history with xenobiology and is reacting out of fear and concern.
  • Fitz, starting in season 2 and becoming prominent again in season 5. A lot of fans adore him from the beginning for being one of the more relatable characters and for all the horrible traumas he goes through; this includes taking his side during first his anger at Jemma for leaving him and later him operating on Daisy to remove the Kree's Restraining Bolt and reactivate her powers with the aim of saving the world. Others however have found him difficult to like because of his tendency to talk down to others, and feel he uses his traumas to excuse being a jerk to others. Season 5 only intensified this, as noted above with Daisy, as fans became split between siding with Fitz's contention that he did what he had to do to save the world from destruction, or with Daisy's contention that Fitz went over the Moral Event Horizon by torturing her and ensuring the prophesied Earth-Shattering Kaboom at her hands.
  • Mack and Bobbi and their connection to "real" S.H.I.E.L.D.; some feel they have a point about Coulson and his secret keeping, and look forward to seeing them inevitably siding with Coulson, while others consider them as bad as Ward and instead look forward to them being killed/beaten. Mack also gets some hate for his Fantastic Racism against aliens (though given why isn't too surprising, and he's not any worse than the rest of the team) while Bobbi has it for being 'emotionally abusive' towards Hunter (it's generally more a mutually destructive relationship with personal and professional conflict rather than 'abuse').
  • Hunter, particularly in Season 3. When introduced he was well-liked for being a snarky British badass and getting quite a bit of development rather quickly, though he had some haters due to being an obvious stand-in for Hawkeye in concerns to his relationship with Mockingbird, but was overall well-liked due to his loyalty to Coulson and surprising friendship with most of the team. In Season 3 though, he Took a Level in Dumbass and in Jerk Ass, nearly arms HYDRA with a large arsenal and nearly gets Andrew killed, encourages Fitz to leave an innocent man to die and vents his frustrations during a mission with Mack and Daisy, acting as The Load the whole time. Now, he's a lot harder to like.
  • A minor villain from early Season 1, Lorelei. Some liked her for her looks, cunning, and being surprisingly tough and a good example of Adaptational Badassnote , while others really didn't like her because her actions (including being an unapologetic rapist) caused the show to invoke certain double standards.
  • Eric Koenig and his brothers. Some found them funny due to their neurotic, Adorkable tendencies, others found them annoying for the same reasons, leading to a split between those who are glad to have Billy and Sam to replace Eric, and those who are annoyed that they have to put up with more of him/them. A lot of it comes down to how much one likes Patton Oswalt.
  • Jiaying, after it's revealed that she's still alive in the present. Some consider this to be an intriguing plot twist that allows Skye to form a relationship with her mother we'd otherwise never have seen. Others think it's an Ass Pull that wrecks her husband's arc in the first half of the season, and that the role she fills post-resurrection could have easily been filled by Gordon or Lincoln. There are also some who think the twist itself was reasonably well foreshadowed, but still feel her tale was more tragic when it ended in her death. Then there's a split on the actual character, as some see her as a Reasonable Authority Figure leader for the Inhumans whose chief concern is keeping them safe, while others see her as just as bad or possibly even worse than her husband, as by her own admission she was once as ruthless as he was in their search to find Skye, and her willingness in "The Frenemy Of My Enemy" to potentially invoke Cal's wrath upon innocents because it's less inconvenient for her than keeping him in Afterlife shows she hasn't changed as much as she thinks. When this was revealed to be intentional foreshadowing regarding her true nature and status as big bad of season 2, the camps transformed into one group who felt it was the only way for things to go without making her a Designated Hero, another who felt she was forced to Jump Off The Slippery Slope to take the moral ambiguity out of the S.H.I.E.L.D. vs. Inhumans conflict, and a smaller third group who still believes that she did nothing wrong.
  • Lincoln. He's got a fair share of detractors who felt he only served as a boring, plain unneeded love interest for Daisy, earning him scorn from non-shippers and those who shipped Daisy with others, as well as those who just didn't see the point in adding another pretty white guy instead of promoting more popular characters like Deathlok to the main cast. On the other hand, Lincoln has his defenders, from both those who liked his chemistry with Daisy and those who felt his backstory of dealing with depression and alcoholism made him unique compared to the rest of the cast, who either have mundane or fantastically dark backstories. As such, for some, his death is a huge Tear Jerker that's on-par with big moments from the movies, or its a rather derivative scene that only serves to inflate the importance of his character one last time.
  • Deke. For some, he's an entertaining character for being a Lovable Rogue who grew up in a harsh world with very grey morality as the norm, and thus his questionable actions are justified and he's appreciated for still being semi-heroic despite that. He also gains fans after they return to the present day, due to his comical and utterly joyful reaction to the modern world which brings back a lot of the funnier moments that the show has rarely had since the first season. Conversely, many immediately disliked him for how he betrayed and sold Daisy to Kree slavers, find his Refusal of the Call attitude to greatly undermine his more heroic moments when compared to the more heroic Lighthouse characters like Tess and Flint, and find him more annoying than anything. Not helped is that he's given a lot of Ship Tease with Daisy, despite the aforementioned selling-to-slavery thing, with some finding him unneeded as a love interest at best (like Lincoln before him), or even just feel he's a weaker option compared to the more well-liked Robbie Reyes, while others do genuinely enjoy their chemistry and can forgive their early antagonism for it.
