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Awesome Music / LapFox Trax

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  • EVERYTHING on Because Maybe! It's not "THE ABSOLUTE BEST OF RENARD MAY 2009-JAN 2010" for nothing. "Sinisterrrrrrrr", "Spacedragonstyle Raggamissile", "Dracula", and "Banned Forever" in particular are fan favorites.
  • Though its ways are mysterious, there is no denying that TUMBLR GOT SOUL is one of the funniest instrumental tracks ever made.
  • The Daeva Suite is awesome. It's divided in parts and they're all equally amazing, sounding like something you would hear in an epic final boss on a video game.

The Quick Brown Fox

  • The Big Black, one of the most (in)famous songs to come out of the label. After an intro courtesy of Riddler, the song kicks in hard as screaming is heard along with the twisted, demented main melody, which segues into a somewhat more harmonic melody as the speedcore beats pile up over one another. There is even a solid wall of beats in the middle that is so fast, it can come off as nightmarish.

Jackal Queenston


  • Arcadepunk, a Concept Album about the rise and fall of arcade gaming. Exactly 15:00 long and starts out on a happy note, becoming more and more cynical as tracks go on. Easily Klippa's greatest work, and one of the select few albums Emma uses as an introduction to the label as a whole.


  • Rainbow Tylenol, probably Kitsune^2's most well-known piece, a lovely and nostalgic chiptune track responsible for a good number of remixes and YTPMVs. It gets especially good when the melody goes on a "solo" around the middle.
  • Rock My Emotions combines a determined-sounding melody with chiptune sounds and strong beats.


  • Knight, RQ's debut album. The entire album is about Ren's journey of self-discovery after coming out as nongendered, and the musical invention and complexity really show.
