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Awesome Music / Franklin

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Hey, it's Franklin! And he's got great songs to share with you!

  • Admit it, you're already singing the theme song while reading this page.
  • "Waaaake up! Spriiing, where are you?" and "I guess I'll have to do it my own waaayy." from Franklin and The Green Knight. Wow, Franklin and his friends can really sing! Not only that, but the music itself is generally bright and bouncy, except where it's not supposed to be, and has a generally catchy sound. A lot of the film's instrumental cues are fairly nice to listen to as well. It's not for nothing that the making-of documentary on the DVD (unusual enough for a release of this type) includes a section specifically on the film's music, and not just the vocal songs. It helps that Noah Reid is also a singer and had an extensive background in musical theatre, including playing Chip in the Toronto production of Beauty and the Beast.
  • The play Franklin and the Adventures of the Noble Knights features surprisingly great songs:
  • The original "Hey, It's Franklin!" album contains some great music from the original stage shows, from which footage is even more difficult to find, if not outright impossible. "Come See the World" in particular really stands out an invitation to a world of child-like wonder.
