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Awesome Music / Borderlands 3

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  • The main theme for the intro cinematic, "Put It On The Line" by The Heavy. Not only does The Heavy, the artists of the theme for Borderlands 2, return, but rather than use an existing song, they specifically made a new one purely for the game. And it is glorious.
  • Mouthpiece's Boss theme, an aggressive, interchangeable assortment of rave music to listen to while fighting the Calypso's Mouth of Sauron.
  • The theme music for Sanctuary III is a relaxing and cozy theme, perfect for establishing the feeling of sharing a ship with the Crimson Raiders and potential co-op players, and transitioning from the western feel of Pandora to space itself. It's also good for decompressing after a stressful event.
  • "Supernova Dreamsicle" by the In-Universe musician Digby Vermouth is the jazzy theme that Rhys plays for the Vault Hunters "to get them in the killing mood" once they reach Skywell-27's laser control room.
  • "Hold On" by Animal Fiction plays as diegetic music from the car radio while Maya accompanies you in a driving sequence in the Beneath the Meridian level. Its fast paced beat and vocals are perfect for both a vehicular action sequence and a "road trip with the last game's PC" vibe.
  • "Geniviv Goes Down". A light, fast-paced tune for fighting a cute homicidal AI in a Maliwan mech.
  • "The Floating Tomb Fights Back", the primal theme of The Graveward. Its tribalistic drum beat and chorus sells the menace of the massive creature you face. In "The Floating Tomb- Tranquility Achieved", the music changes from menacing and suspenseful to more light and energetic to show that the fight is picking up.
  • "The Carnivora Show Live", starring Pain, Terror, and the Agonizer 9000 in a grudge match of a lifetime. This would not be out of place in a wrestling intro.
  • The End of Troy. A mix-up of foreboding ambience with kinetic energy for the final confrontation with the so-called God King.


  • "The Compactor Will Junk You", in contrast to the sort of synth-wave theme of the rest of the Handsome Jackpot, is a hard-hitting industrial piece for the setting of the less than glamorous Compactor.
  • "The Unwelcome Cursehaven", an ominous tune that turns into a sort of waltz, perfectly adding to the atmosphere of Guns, Love and Tentacles. This is not something you'd want to dance to unless you're ready to defeat some eldritch abominations... or are one.
  • The launch trailer for Psycho Krieg and the Fantastic Fustercluck plays with "Shoot the Moon" by Voodoo Glow Skulls. An aggressive yet whimsical ska-punk number that perfectly fits the fan-favorite madman and the off-kilter tone of the DLC.
  • Krieg's "Home, I Guess", the calming and dreamlike theme of the center of his mind, The Psychoscape.
  • Evil Lilith's theme - An Endless Blade. Nothing says "epically sinister boss music" than a battle with an evil Siren atop a meat castle.


  • "Call in the Elite" is when the music of the Blacksite drops a bit harder, and when Maliwan starts to take you seriously by sending in their prototype.
  • Anathema The Relentless. A fitting name, and a fitting theme for the pressure of facing the teleporting Guardian as you move to avoid its lethal area attacks.
