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Awesome / Wooden Overcoats

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Season One

  • Antigone's epic telling-off of Seymour.
  • The Reveal of the true Serial Killer in Piffling Vale: Marjorie. This then clears Rudyard's name.
  • Antigone outright demanding Rudyard make her an equal partner in Funn Funerals.

Season Two

  • Played for Laughs but... Madeleine is a bestselling author! Not bad for a funeral house mouse.
  • Georgie's epic beatdown of the snobby visiting undertakers in "Flip Flap Flop." Georgie may be the most laid-back person on the island, but do not fuck with her, and more importantly, do not fuck with her friends.
  • Rudyard pulling a Go Through Me to stop Jerry from murdering Eric. What You Are in the Dark, indeed.

Season Three

  • From "Antigone in the Spotlight":
    • Antigone standing up to Marlene, and even stealing her whip. Marlene makes a big show of storming out, but when she comes back later she reveals that she was ridiculously impressed, saying no one has ever stood up to her before.
    • Even though it's a bit sad (and ends with her flooding the theater with the sprinkler system), Antigone's indirect speech to Eric about how she's not going to waste her time pining over him anymore is this, after spending the whole episode obsessively identifying with the lead character in the play (who never tells the man she loves that she loves him). It's clear that holding onto her crush has been a massive burden on her, and admitting to herself that she doesn't believe anything will ever happen is what finally allows her to let it go.
  • In "Tinker, Tailor, Undertaker," Rudyard finally getting his revenge for the Kangaroo Court he was put through in Season One by playing "bad cop" with Desmond. Even though the mayor is generally a nice guy, there's no denying he really fucked Rudyard over, and Rudyard having some fun at his expense is long overdue.
    • Even though he turned out to be wrong about Chapman being the thief, Rudyard effortlessly poking holes in his alibi using details even Agatha missed is pretty cool.
    • Agatha also deserves major points for managing to piece together who the thief is, by realizing the thief never intended to keep the money, and had only meant to borrow it. So, they would be the person who had an opportunity to steal it, but not an opportunity to put the money back. Thus, the solve: Mayor Desmond.
  • Antigone giving a glorious "The Reason You Suck" Speech to Rudyard and Eric at the end of "The Sunshine Treatment." Damn, girl!
