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Awesome / Voltaire

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François-Marie Arouet

Aurelio Voltaire Hernández

  • Getting Garrett Wang, Tim Russ, and Robert Picardo to appear on the BiTrektual album.
  • His cover of "Hallelujah".
  • As an animator he did some bumpers for MTV: the first one in this reel is based on the Hell panel of Bosch's Garden of Earthly Delights!
  • In this video, Voltaire discusses his struggles with suicidal ideation and how the day he initially planned to kill himself, he decided to do and say everything he wanted to do and make it a good day. He stood up to his tormentors, chewed out a particularly cruel teacher, and told off his parents for how they treated him. After this day he thought "That was pretty good. Maybe I'm not going to kill myself. Maybe just one more day like this one." And he never did so since as he kept standing up for himself and refusing to be a doormat.
  • Voltaire didn't know anything about Doctor Who when he wrote "Bigger on the Inside". Fans continually insisted he put a Doctor Who song on Bi Trektual, so he wrote one anyway. He got all his information about the show just by asking fans on Facebook and Twitter what he should put in the song.
