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Awesome / Under Heaven

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  • Poetry in Kaitan is almost a national pastime, where writing (and quoting) poems is part of the national Civil Service exam, poems are nearly part of the historical record (and part of the history books) and most of the characters end up quoting lines at each other in various situations, usually as part of an argument to make a point. At one point, Shen Tai is in an argument with someone in service to the emperor's favorite consort about the disposition of Tai's horse... and aims an actual poet at him: Sima Zian, the "Banished Immortal", with a reputation for being repeatedly kicked out of Heaven. The servant's reaction to Sima's presence almost makes it worthwhile.
  • Sardian horses are valued enough that receiving even four as a gift is enough to prompt nearly deadly jealousy in even close friends. Shen Tai, as a reward for two years of burying bodies at a battlefield, is considered worthy of enough honor that a foreign princess requests, and receives, permission (from her husband) to gift him two hundred and fifty horses. Of course, he considers it more a headache than an honor, but it's enough to later influence the planning of several people independently preparing for a potential civil war.
