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  • In "Mind Over Matter", Varvatos Vex lifts Stuart's taco truck to keep him from escaping despite being in his weaker old man disguise at the time.
  • Despite the fact that the royals captured him, Stuart immediately pledges his loyalty to the Tarrons. He says that as a Durian native, he is sworn to protect the royal family.
  • In "Beetle Mania", Aja and Krel use the music from Mary and Steve's cellphone's and Krel's new Boombox to neutralize and then destroy the Skeltegs at the school.
  • Aja and Krel commandeering Coach Lawrence's car and using it to shake off the purring Zeron Brotherhood.
  • Comparatively tame when held up against the other example on this list but Krel absolutely killing it at the Battle of the Bands. He probably would have won if Morgana hadn't chosen that moment to show up.
  • The fight between Vex and the Zeron Brotherhood before he is joined by Aja while Krel sabotages their ship.
  • The team-up between the royals and the Trollhunters to take down Porgon the Trickster troll in "D'aja Vu"
  • Aja holding her ground against Halcon in "Flying the Coop" after she sedates Vex.
    • Uhl telling off Halcon (disguised as "Birdie" Flanagan) for raising a racist comment against Krel because he's been acing his math exams constantly.
  • "A Glorious Death, Part One"
    • The fact that Sergeant Costas defies Colonel Kubritz on realizing she's going to fire on the innocent citizens of Arcadia. He sneaks into Stuart's electronic shop, despite being visibly terrified as Varvatos puts him in a well-deserved Neck Lift, asking how they can trust him and why he shouldn't be killed now. Once Varvatos puts him down, Costas quickly explains that Morando needs a few hours to absorb Gaylen's core. That makes the team realize they still have a chance to defeat him.
    • Kubritz storming Toby's movie screening is Nightmare Fuel with how she's firing on them and demanding the location of the Tarrons. Steve and Eli, however, immediately realize what's happening and that it's not All Part of the Show. Steve grabs a baseball bat and gives an It Has Been an Honor to the coach, while Eli reaches for his ninja stars. Creepslayerz to the bitter end.
    • The Tarrons, Varvatos and Stuart work together to evacuate the citizens, lure Colonel Kubritz away from the town, and stop Morando from swallowing the core. They don't give up, even when it seems they failed at all three.
    • Eli shows no fear in the face of imminent danger and death. Kubritz identifies him as Krel's best friend and interrogates him about where Aja and Krel are. What is Eli's response? To shoot ninja stars in her face! It's a No-Sell because of her helmet, and he even remarks that he needs an upgrade, but it was incredibly brave. He even prepares to die to protect his new best friends, until Darci intervenes.
    • The townsfolk start lying that Aja and Krel fled town, and they give conflicting stories. Senor Uhl then goes Defiant to the End, telling the Colonel that he made a Declaration of Protection for the children, and Ms. Janeth follows by saying that Aja and Krel are their students.
    • Normally, a police cop would have to defer authority to a military operation, or sometimes even work with them. Detective Scott doesn't say nuts to that, but he refuses to recognize Colonel Kubritz's authority. She captured his daughter as well as himself while threatening his friends and neighbors, and that is enough to tell him that she is not one of the good guys. Detective Scott tells Kubritz off and that she's the real monster here.
  • The entirety of the final battle against Morando!
