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Awesome / Them's Fightin' Herds

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Story Mode

  • Arizona fights her way through Reine's Haunted Undercity, only to find the Altar of Appetence and get ambushed by a group of vicious predators, including a bear. Her response?
    Arizona: ... Okay. I jus' got one question 'fer ya'll. [STOMPS] WHO'S FIRST?!
  • Beating Oleander at the end of the Temple of the Ancestors. Not only does she have three full health bars, but in the third part of the fight, she stops holding back, using dark magic to fly around the stage and fight from a distance, and has Fred attacking from the background.
  • The OST for the game is a massive one: there isn't just one stage theme for each stage, there's one for each stage depending on the character you're playing. The composers managed to place small reflections and variations of each theme depending on the character you're playing that reflects that character's main theme, creating a massive OST for an indie fighting game.
