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Awesome / The Transporter

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The Transporter

  • Frank gets one in the first five minutes of the film. He has been hired as a getaway driver for a group of thieves but they are one man more than the number that was agreed upon in the original deal and their combined weight means Frank cannot make the escape on the gas he has allotted and the car cannot make the maneuvers to evade the police. When the leader threatens to just shoot Frank and have someone else drive, Frank informs them that they do not have the ignition codes for the car. Ultimately, the leader shoots one of his own men and throws him out.

  • The following car chase (and the film's first one) which shows off Frank's excellent driving skills and informs the audience of why he is considered the best in the transporter business. Perhaps the best moment is when Frank is seemingly cornered only to drive off and land on a car-carrier. And then when the cops start following the car-carrier, Frank uses a gun to release one of the other cars, sending it into the police cruisers and slowing them down.

  • When the thieves offer to pay him extra for transporting them to Avignon, Frank refuses because that was also not part of the deal. Whatever else can be said about him, Frank clearly has standards and he only takes the amount for the job he agreed upon. And the next day, we learn that the thieves were apprehended. The news cast even attributes their capture to their poor driving skills.

  • Frank takes another job to transport something for Darren "Wall Street" Bettencourt, only to discover that is a doublecross and Wall Street tries to have him killed with a bomb. After surviving the attempt through sheer luck, Frank then returns to Wall Street's villa where he kills and injures several of his henchmen. Wall Street was extremely lucky he wasn't there when Frank came back.

  • The fight at the bus station is a brilliant display of not just Frank's hand-to-hand combat skills, but also his tactical capabilities when it comes to using everything around him as a weapon:

    • Frank uses the shirt off his own back to bind and take out two mooks.

    • Frank fighting The Brute and nailing him with two shots to the groin.

    • Knocking over barrows of oil to make the mooks slip across the floor. He also dunks himself in oil to make himself slippery. This also makes it very difficult for the brute whose fighting style revolves around grappling.

    • Frank then uses the pedals of a nearby bicycle and fits them onto his shoes so he doesn't slip on the oil.

    • When the mooks with guns arrive, Frank uses the brute as a human shield as he escapes by leaping out the window and into the water.

    • As heartbreaking as it was for her, Lai shooting her father to save Frank is also pretty awesome.
      • Before this, we hear Lai screaming no in the background and then a gunshot. We are led to believe that Lai was killed by the man Kwai left her with, only for her to surprise us by coming to Frank's rescue. Which means that she managed to wrest the gun from the man kill him and then go to save Frank.
