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Awesome / The Running Man

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The film:

  • The prison riot that follows the opening scene has some decently intense gunplay. It helps that rather than have Ben be a One-Man Army, his friend Laughlin and a Red Shirt prisoner named Chico also get some good action moments.
  • Ben Richards give a classic hero speech to a trapped Dynamo.
    Richards: No. I won't kill a helpless human being. Not even sadistic scum... like you.
  • His response to Killian's offer of a contract as a network stalker is also pretty impressive:
    (Having wrenched a camera off the wall) You cold-blooded bastard! I'll tell you what I think of it; I'll live to see you eat that contract! But I hope you leave enough room for my fist, because I'm going to ram it into your stomach and break your goddamn spine! (smashes the camera)
  • Ben Richards winning the once hostile crowd over to the point of betting on him to win the contest.
    Old Lady: "I choose... Ben Richards! That boy is a mean motherfucker!"
  • Killian's an evil bastard, but he actually has a good comeback to Arnold's most famous one-liner:
    Richards: I'll be back.
    Killian: (smiles) Only in a rerun.
  • Captain Freedom telling off Killian and refusing to go against Richards with an unfair advantage.
  • Dynamo's introduction, where he sings an opera aria and uses his Lightning Gun to power a neon sign saying, "Clap if you love DYNAMO!" The actor, Erland Van Lidth De Jeude, did the singing himself.
  • "Hello, cutie pie. One of us is in big trouble!"
  • Richards sending Killian crashing through a billboard sign and blowing him up followed by the Bond One-Liner: "Well, that hit the spot."
  • Amber's fight with the armed, trained stalker Dynamo, particularly when she gives him a Groin Attack.

The book:

  • It may be painfully Harsher in Hindsight after 9/11, but Richards not only flying a plane into the network's building but directly into the Big Bad's office while flipping him off from the cockpit is one of the best hero deaths ever.
