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Awesome / The Room (2003)
aka: The Room

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  • The main theme. That'd be a good theme for any movie. In a movie this bad, it's outstanding.
  • Any midnight screening of the movie, since the Audience Participation levels rival The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Want us to prove it?
  • "YOU ARE TEARING ME APART, LISA!" CinemaSins highlighted this line not to sin it, but to declare it golden. RiffTrax similarly applauded the line.
  • Okay, in a movie full of Narm, Chris-R's one scene was actually pretty awesome at face value. It helps that his actor has the most competent acting in the movie and is totally believable as a pissed-off drug dealer about to kill Denny. Of course, since this is The Room, the awesomeness is quickly replaced by Narm when Johnny and Mark show up.
  • When Lisa's mother is interrogating Denny over his dealings with Chris R, Denny finally snaps and screams "You're not my fucking mother!" It's the only time anyone actually stands up to that insufferable woman.
  • Peter, in general, for being one of the few characters to possess anything resembling common sense. He gives pretty sound, reasonable advice for the characters to follow, is one of the first to correctly diagnose Lisa as a sociopath, is the only guy not keen on playing football in tuxedos, tells Mark to lay off the drugs, and he's quick to leave the film when things start to get a little too weird.
    • Peter is also the only character in the film to directly call out Mark on his role in the affair, rather than place all of the blame on Lisa. note  When Mark starts whining about Lisa manipulating him, Peter isn't having any of it, telling him that he needs to take responsibility for his actions and stop seeing Lisa altogether.
  • Michelle, one of the only other characters in the film with common sense, bluntly telling Lisa at the party, "We're not worried about you, Lisa. We're worried about Johnny."
  • In the final scene, after Johnny kills himself, Mark finally grows a spine and tells off Lisa for her appalling behavior.
    Lisa: I've lost him, but I still have you, right? Right?
    Mark: (shoves her aside) You don't "have" me! You'll never have me. [...] You killed him, you're the cause of all of this. I don't love you. [...] GET OUT OF MY LIFE, YOU BITCH!!!
  • Offscreen Moment of Awesome: Word of God confirms that Claudette makes a full recovery from her breast cancer.

Alternative Title(s): The Room
