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Awesome / The Karate Kid Part III

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"Daniel-san your best karate still inside you, now time let out!"
Terry Silver: You want to see some more?
John Kreese: I want to see a lot more.

Capping off the LaRusso Trilogy with a second tournament win and a showdown with a larger-than-life supervillian, Daniel and Miyagi have to overcome more than their fair share of obstacles to earn their happy ending.

  • As coke-addled as Terry Silver apparently was when coming up with his harebrained schemenote , it's almost forgivable to audiences seeing that he did it with the flair and panache of a Bond villain.
  • Mr. Miyagi referred to the bonsai tree that Mike Barnes broke apart as like Daniel LaRusso. It, like him, will survive despite being broken because they both have strong roots. However, the bonsai tree can also be considered as a metaphor for their relationship as well. Their father-son bond, like the bonsai tree, will also survive because its roots are strong.note 
  • Daniel learning on his own that he was being corrupted by Terry Silver after breaking the nose of someone who was hitting on Jessica Andrews at a nightclub. Therefore, he was able to shake off the Cobra Kai brainwashing just in time before Mr. Miyagi came to his rescue during their penultimate confrontation. This way, he avoided being used against Miyagi by Silver and Kreese like they would eventually do to the brainwashed kids of Cobra Kai some 30-odd years later.
  • Mr. Miyagi, being The Ace once again, beats the hell out of Mike Barnes, John Kreese, and Terry Silver without anyone accompanying him. For an added bonus, he even mocks Silver's Funny Bruce Lee Noises after he handily defeats him.
    • Credit to Silver, however, who actually does better against Mr. Miyagi than anyone else in the franchise note .
    • Mr. Miyagi taking on two karate masters and one young karate champion in quick succession shows that even in the third movie of the film series, he remains the strongest character of the Karate Kid franchise.
  • At the end of the fight in the third film, a psyched-out Daniel was scared half to death of Barnes and simply lay on the mat refusing to get up... until Barnes started yelling, "You're nothing! Your slope teacher's nothing!" As scared and hurt as Daniel had been up to this moment, he decided to get up and face Barnes again.
    • Before that final round, Daniel and Miyagi bowed to each other, which gave Daniel the affirmation he needed that he was fighting for something greater than himself instead of just fighting to survive.
  • Daniel using kata he was practicing with Mr. Miyagi in order to initially confuse then subsequently do an unexpected throw at Mike Barnes, who mostly does punches and kicks. It ultimately allowed him to score the sudden-death point that won him the All-Valley Karate Championship for two years in a row. He was also able to disprove Terry Silver when he claimed that his kata was worthless in winning tournaments.
