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Awesome / The Fifth Element

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Let's face it. This entire film is a Moment of Awesome for Luc Besson. However, here are some specific awesome moments.

  • "Anybody else want to negotiate?"
  • A non-action moment: The alien Diva's opera number.
    • Goes double for not only being awesome in its own right, but also because most people wouldn't think it being humanly possible to sing even remotely like that, cue to the power of Youtube and...
      • The actress singing it didn't think it was possible. And for her it wasn't, they utilized several Auto-Tune-like-tricks to work it out in post. She was even told that they intentionally did it that way since the character singing it wasn't human and the song was "beyond the human range".
      • That and Word of God is that it wasn't possible - it took using 5 or 6 singers to get the sound right.
      • A certain young lady from Ukraine would beg to disagree.
    • There was also the fact that Maïwenn, who played the diva, was a last minute replacement as the original actress failed to show up and even though her singing was dubbed, she still had to learn how to sing and then had to learn how to sing the song by practicing 30 times a day for 3 months so it would look flawless. Massive props to her.
  • Leeloo KO'ing a group of armed Rubber Forehead Aliens counts as well.
    • Made even better by the fact that those last two happen at the same time.
  • Another behind-the-scenes bit of awesome: how easy would it be to just ad-lib a bunch of vaguely sounding alien gibberish spoken extremely quickly? Pretty easy right? Except they actually came up with a basic but fully functional Mondoshawan language to the point that Milla and Luc's written notes to each other were in said language to keep it fresh in their minds.
  • Zorg doesn't look at explosions. He just enjoys a draw on his cigarette while his henchman dives for cover.
    • His Karmic Death for this move later on is also awesome. "For the honor!"
  • The ZF-1 demonstration. A rundown of all it includes — lightweight, an adjustable handle, ambidextrous handling, breaks down into four pieces undetectable by X-ray. Firepower includes a 3000-round clip, variable automatic or single-round firing, including a "Replay" button that makes bullets turn in the air to seek and hit the target hit by the original bullet. Other options include a rocket launcher, arrow launcher (with optional explosive or poisonous gas heads), net launcher, flamethrower, and an "ice cube" system that sprays freezing mist. There's a reason it's so famous and beloved; it's Rule of Cool sculpted into a gun.
  • Zorg makes the buffoonish mistake of attempting to swallow a cherry whole at the end of his big, bad speech to Father Vito Cornelius. In response, Father Vito verbally kneecaps Zorg's argument by implying that life (in this case, a small fruit) cannot be entirely planned for or circumvented by mankind's treasured "advancements in technology."
    Father Vito: Where's the robot to pat you on the back? Or the engineers? Or their children, maybe?
    (leans against Zorg's desk as he frantically tries to dislodge the cherry from his throat)
    Father Vito: There, see how your so-called power counts for absolutely nothing? How your entire empire of destruction comes crashing down because of one...little...cherry?
    (slaps Zorg on the back, sends the cherry flying.)
