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Awesome / The Fedora Chronicles

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Operation 2Fort

  • Through out the video, it's shown that Fedora only needed to use his Dead Ringer at the very end to trick a BLU Engineer. Most other fights he gets into are largely solved with Good Old Fisticuffs and his Sharp Dresser.

The Bolted Behemoth

  • The initial battle between the RED and BLU team ends with Captain not having enough time to reload his shotgun. Frontrunner throws him his pistol and Captain knocks down the BLU engineer with just one shot.
  • At one point, Captain's Equalizer gets stuck in the titular Behemoth's neck, and the machine responds by rocketing several hundred feet into the air. Captain knocks away one of the flamethrowers acting as jet engines causing them both to fall; he continues to punch away at the Behemoth before miraculously landing in Soft Water.
  • With proper teamwork, Frontrunner, Captain, and Fedora are able to take down the seemingly unstoppable robot, which had killed the rest of the RED mercenaries that were with them.
  • Just the fact that the BLU team's plan to distract the RED team to get the intelligence back worked.

Burning Through Space

  • Engineer and RED team building a rocket to rescue Pyro from outer space.
  • Engineer against the brainwashed Pyro, winning by knocking the alien of their head.

Live and Let Spy

  • Fedora's plan to infiltrate Well with just Captain and Frontrunner, get other RED mercenaries through via a teleporter and retrieve the intelligence again is largely successful even if he and Scout are briefly captured just as the former finds out who BLU is working for, or in Frontrunner's case before he could grab the case.
    • Captain, who was handed role of bringing in the teleporter, swims through a tunnel that happened to be guarded by a Pyro, an Engineer, and a Demoknight. He quickly takes them down by pulling a Look Behind You while screaming at the top of his lungs.
    • Frontrunner manages to get through some vents and snag a Pyro's Backburner before using it to take a crowd of mercenaries by surprise.
    • Altogether, the trio end up killing no less than 19 mercenaries before the real battle began.
  • The Mecha-Mooks that are summoned would be taken down by Captain with some help from a Medic's Uber, and later on Frontrunner. And this was after he ran out of ammo for his rockets and shotgun and was down to his Equalizer.
  • The brawl between BLU Medic and Fedora which serves as the finale for the episode. Despite the Medic kicking away Fedora's gun and breaking his Sharp Dresser, he ends up pushing a Berserk Button, leading Fedora to overwhelm the Medic with several hard punches and a Groin Attack before pushing him in front of a train.
Medic: In my medical opinion, that is a stupid hat!
Fedora: What?
  • Ever since its upload on 2015, Live and Let Spy has reached over 41 and a half million views as of February 2024, becoming The Winglet's second most popular video before his 1st Overwatch Vs. TF2 video.

The RED, the BLU, and the Ugly

  • The trio, as well as a Pyro and Demoman, are able to stop a convoy of BLU mercenaries who tried to take the Intelligence again. It made for a decent Car Chase Shoot-Out, even if the intelligence case turned out to be empty.
  • Having discovered Gray Mann's plan to infuse his robots with crystalized Australium, Fedora and his allies help the BLU team survive getting disposed by fighting the robots where the Australium is found. At one point, Captain even attempts to fight the one Heavy robot that was infused all on his own. When Frontrunner later shows up after a break, the three mercenaries handily take down the now organic Heavy.
