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Awesome / The Conversion Bureau: Cold War

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  • The United States and the Soviets putting aside all differences to fight xenocidal aliens... this is going to be fun.
  • After Xelly reveals her plans for humanity she is given a Reason You Suck Speech by the world leaders present at the UN meeting.
    Mikhail Gorbachev: "What happened in the Pacific?"
    Xenolestia: "Do you mean the ships that were in the area that's now Equestria? Those that were on the ships were converted into ponies and now live in Equestria."
    Li Xiannian: "Do you have any idea how many resources were on the ships? Do you know you just kidnapped two thousand Chinese citizens?"
    Xenolestia: "Like it matters to you, all you care about is power, not your people. They will be happier in Eques-"
    Xenolestia: (At a lost for words) "Well, uh-"
    Gorbachev: "We can live in peace. We don't need this, and you shouldn't either, we can work something out."
    Xenolestia: War cannot happen, however, you cannot continue your self-destructive behavior, so join me, or I will force it with my magic. And you won't like it."
  • How do the Soviets destroy the barrier? With a goddamn nuke that's how!
