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Awesome / The 39 Clues

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    Series 1: The Clue Hunt 
3 - The Sword Thief

5 - The Black Circle

  • When Amy kicks Ian in the shin, during the first time she sees him after he betrays her. Let's face it: it serves him right for being a backstabber.

8 - The Emperor's Code

  • Dan using what he learned from the monks: karate.
  • When the Jonah Wizard and his parents try to tell Dan that he's a Janus, Dan yells, "I'm a Madrigal!" at the top of his lungs. All throughout this book, Dan was in utter denial about the horrible truth of his parents' real branch, but when push came to shove, this wild card makes this bold declaration to show the Wizards that they don't own him.

10 - Into the Gauntlet

  • Ummm... ALL of it?
  • Especially when Amy smashes the master serum vial over Isabel's head. Her delivering the final blow to the main villain of this arc really shows how much she has changed over a few country-spanning challenges.
    Amy: Don't hurt anyone in my family ever again!
  • Alistair deciding to testify about Isabel's involvement in the murder of Amy and Dan's parents, ensuring she'll be in prison for life.

    The Black Book of Buried Secrets 
  • Alistair confronting his uncle for killing his father and having him arrested.
  • The Holt family has been given the task of convincing their fellow Tomas to join the Madrigal cause, but their branch leader Ivan isn't having it after what happened during the Gauntlet. As soon as Ivan insults their grandfather for being a supposed traitor, however, Madison promptly charges into him and sends him flying over a balcony rail.
    Madison: Hey, guy with the scary eyes! You know what a moose when does when someone insults her family? She does this.

    Series 2: Cahills vs Vespers 
6 - Day of Doom
  • Isabel drinking the master serum after her daughter's death, utterly pwning every Vesper in the room, then going down in a blaze of glory by defeating Damien Vesper III. Just... wow.

    Series 3: Unstoppable 
4 - Flashpoint
  • As Pierce has his clambake fall apart due to the Cahills' meddling, his wife, Debra Ann, is asking him what will happen to the clams tainted by the deposited serum antidote. Since Pierce is too busy coping with the sudden loss, he shoves her back in a fit of rage. However, Debra Ann planned for this to happen, as she had different news cameras recording his misogynistic act. She ends up smiling, laughing and unleashes this zinger that references his Implied Death Threat earlier in the book.
    "This is for Letitia Tyler!"
  • When Pierce begins the detonation of his nuclear bombs, Cara steps up to stop the detonation via Pierce's computer. This following exchange ends up showing how satisfyingly big a mistake he made in hiring someone whose history he should have looked into earlier...
    Pierce: You think you can stop me with that? Once the detonation sequence begins, only the abort code can stop it. My software can't be hacked. It was designed by April May himself!
    Cara: I'M APRIL MAY, DAD!
