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Awesome / Storage Wars

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  • Barry's Batman Gambit to force Mark to bid $3,500 on a locker in "Enemy of My Enemy." Dave and Darrell are in on it, pretending to try and drag Barry away before he got stuck with the locker himself. It was an attempt on Barry's part to make Mark burn his cash faster, leaving something for the regulars to bid on.
  • Jarrod managed to trick Dave out of a locker by having Brandi bid on it. Everyone was shocked to learn that Jarrod was married and that he's married to her.
  • Barry's locker in "Not Your Average Bear" was described by every bidder as looking like complete junk. No one wanted it. Barry threw out a bid of $2.50 and won the locker. The locker turned out to have several antique fly traps worth $2,000, meaning Barry finished the day with an 80,000% profit on his investment.
    • Barry did it again in "Dial C For Chupacabra", throwing out a bid of a dollar on another junky locker. He came away with a Mexican nature mask that was worth $300, which he sold for $150.
  • Dave shelling out $750 for a locker with nothing but newspapers... that happen to be from the week Elvis died. Turns out they're appraised at $90,000. note 
  • With Dave at another auction, Darrell goes on a buying spree in "The Full Monty-Bello", spending $3,000 on three lockers and coming away with just over $21,000, septupling his investment.
  • Manipulative Editing at play no doubt, but Dave's grand return from a mini-hiatus in Season 3, showing up in mid-auction and making blind bids as he is still walking up, winning the auction, and turning a profit on it to boot.
  • The two episodes that debuted on 12/18/12 had a double feature of Awesome:
    • Though Dave got most of the lockers in the first episode, he passed up one that fell to part-timer Jeff Jarred for $5. Jeff got $200 in furniture, and $1700 in ornaments! 38000% Return on Investment; only Barry ever gets those percentages (see above)! To top it off, he even bid up Dave on a Beekeeper's locker, preventing the latter from profiting off of it.note 
    • In the second episode, "Portrait of the Gambler," while Jarrod was complaining about the curse of Montebello, Barry was literally bidding blind, and Dave got caught in the latter's shenanigans, requiring Roy Rogers (memorabilia) to lasso him out of the hole, Darrell "The Gambler" Sheets made out like a bandit, even better than his previously-listed moment at that city. "Wow" doesn't even begin to describe it: Darrell put $3600 in the last locker of the day. Star Wars figures from 1980 and a signed Oakland Raiders football helped pay for the unit, putting an entire museum room of artwork by Frank Gutierez into the profit category. The expert he consulted put the collection at $300,000, an All. Time. High! for the show.
