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Awesome / Star Wars: Republic Commando

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  • Republic Commando is basically Halo in the Star Wars universe, with the intense combat allowing the player to experience what it's like to be a Badass Normal on the battlefield.
  • Sev shooting down Sun Fac's Geonosian fighter by Sniping the Cockpit.
  • The end of the second mission, which features this four-man squad holding off a near unlimited army of battle droids.
  • Anytime that Boss (re: the Player Character) has to go solo - usually, he'll end up in solo combat with some of the tougher enemies of the game, be they Droid Dispensers, Super Battle Droids, Trandoshan Elite Mercs, or Dwarf Spider Droids, having to take them down with no backup.
  • Alone, outnumbered, and outgunned on a derelict republic ship, RC-38 still swiftly reacts to a Trandoshan ambush with heavy blaster fire and lets loose a Pre Ass Kicking One Liner. "You lizards need to learn I'm a lot scarier than you are."
  • Getting to fire the main gun of an AT-TE walker while trying to protect the Prosecutor. What makes it especially cathartic is that you get to use it against a hangar filled with droid dispensers (especially the ones that dispense the nastier droids) and destroy them instantly after having to destroy many of them the slow and old-fashioned way (or sabotaging the entry force fields to keep other dispensers from getting inside intact) in the other hangars.
  • The Deltas blowing up the Trade Federation warship during the final section set aboard the Prosecutor.
  • While infiltrating a Separatist ship, the team splits up. Boss's reaction? "Alone against all these droids? Heh. They don't stand a chance."
  • Half the stuff Sev does and says. "Boss, hold on to your guts while I rip out theirs."

Alternative Title(s): Republic Commando
