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Awesome / Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

  • The Bird of Prey in the Earth’s clouds. That is absolutely wicked.
  • Sarek utterly destroying the Klingon ambassador's bluster and taking him down a peg.
  • Spock nerve-pinching the punk on the bus who wouldn't turn down his boombox and flipped Kirk and Spock off when Kirk told the punk to turn off his music. He even receives a round of applause by the other passengers — and everyone in the theater when this movie came out in 1986.
  • This little dialogue is a real zinger.
    Spock: To hunt a species to extinction is not logical.
    Gillian: Whoever said the human race was logical?
  • Early on in the sequence at the hospital, McCoy comes across a woman in a bed receiving kidney dialysis. He remarks on the 'dark ages' of medicine he's in, then gives her a pill to take. Later, during their escape, an utterly baffled group of hospital staff are standing around the woman, now in a wheelchair and looking quite lively. If you listen to the doctors walking with her, the pill she took caused her to grow a brand new, fully functional kidney. The United Federation of Planets' medical science is amazing. McCoy doing this gets more awesome considering how later Trek introduces the Temporal Prime Directive, about how Starfleet officers shouldn't interfere with the past. McCoy doesn't even hesitate to help this woman - he's a doctor, above all else, and will not stand by while someone is ailing and he can help.
    • The medical device McCoy uses on Chekov. It's a simple thing, but it looks very real!
  • After the viewer watches everyone else struggling, pulling favours, and outright bribing to get the supplies they need, Sulu just shows up flying a helicopter. One that he just learned to pilot that morning. No explanation given as to how he convinced owners to let him take it out. None needed, he's just that badass. Doubly fun because it’s a rare Call-Back to one of Sulu’s established traits - he’s a Fan of the Past, including antique vehicles.
  • Gillian's last confrontation with her boss.
    Gillian: You sent them away without even letting me say goodbye to them!
    Boss: Gillian!
    Gillian: You son of a (slap) bitch!
  • The still-cloaked Bounty interposing itself between the whaling vessel and their target, causing the harpoon to clang off their hull. Then they decloak, and the whalers freak out trying to get away.
  • The Reveal and launch of the new Enterprise.
  • Kirk and company pleading guilty at their court martial. There's no bluster or demands for special treatment despite them having just saved the lives of the President, the Federation Council, the entire planet. They know they did the right thing, but are still willing to face up to the consequences of their actions.
  • Also note that Spock, who is not charged with any Federation crimes, insists on being judged along with the rest of the crew.
    Federation Council president: Captain Spock, you do not stand accused.
    Spock: Mister President, I stand with my shipmates.
    Federation Council president: As you wish.
  • Kirk and company are approaching Earth in a rickety Klingon bird of prey, all expecting to go there and the best case scenario results in them getting drummed out of Starfleet, if not jailed, while the Klingon ambassador is calling for Kirk's head. They receive a message from the president of the Federation, telling everyone to stay away from Earth, that an unknown probe is causing devastation that will likely kill every living humanoid on the planet, and that it shuts down any ship that gets anywhere near it. Spock determines that the probe is trying to get in touch with an extinct species. Kirk decides then and there, "let's go and get some of them," meaning time travel. No hesitation, no thought given to how it would mitigate their punishment, just it's the right thing to do to save the world.
    Kirk: Spock, begin your computations for time warp.
    • McCoy thinks the plan is nuts (and he isn't wrong) but without any other ideas, doesn't argue beyond that.
  • The book has an extra scene after the testimony of Kirk hypocritically telling Sulu to not make any foolish gestures, like an outburst or resignation, and Sulu answering back that Kirk’s self hatred and taking responsibility for literally everything, acting like his crew are just puppets, is blatantly narcissistic.
