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Awesome / Sky Commanders

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  • The theme of this Eighties TV show note  had viewers wishing they could shoot wires to rappel and do combat with lasers and various weapons. You had better believe at least once per episode there was some kind of pretty awesome move done by one of the characters.
  • As niche as the series is, Sky Commanders itself turned out into a hidden gem of an Eighties cartoon show. Kudos to the creators for making the unlikely concept of a mountaineering and cable gliding action cartoon show somehow work. Bonus points for creativity because it's possibly the only show outside of Cliffhanger where mountaineers are superheroes.
  • Also pretty much everything about General Plague. Bernard Erhard's voice is so perfect for a villain, just about everything he says is a shade of awesome (whether serious or hammy).
  • This awesome collaboration of Hanna-Barbera and Toei Animation has resulted in a cartoon with an anime flourish to it, especially with its impactful intro. It features western storytelling mixed with Japanese animation sensibilities reminiscent of Mighty Orbots and ThunderCats (1985).
