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Awesome / Shameless (US)

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     Season 1 
  • Carl using his bat on a guy that held Lip out a window.
  • When Sheila Jackson has partially gotten over her fear of being outside. Her reason? To get Liam back inside the house after he had wandered outside.
    • She overcomes her fear even more when she chases her estranged husband out of the house after he drives their daughter into a sobbing, destructive rage.
  • Fiona not merely chewing out her own mother for abandoning them but also for trying to take Liam away as well.

     Season 2 
  • When Sheila cusses out Peggy Gallagher during Karen's party. Sheila asks Peggy, "Why did they let you out? Because you're a loud, mean vicious bitch" and then shouted, "you've got a demon mind and a devil's womb!" ...At which point Peggy pulls a gun.
    • What makes this even more awesome is that only a few days later Sheila lets a sick Peggy stay in her house and takes care of her as she is dying. She does so out of pure kindness and Peggy even apologizes for her earlier behavior.
  • Sheila stealing Karen's baby from the hospital after the would-be adoptive parents copped out.
  • Tony's partner deciding not to arrest Sheila on kidnapping charges in the Season 2 finale.

     Season 3 
  • While it's quite horrifying, there is something cathartic about watching Debs beat the hell out of Frank with a pillowcase full of bars of soap after he trashes her school project. He had it coming.
    • That's in addition, to watching both Ian and Lip carry him out then throwing him into the garbage bin.
  • Estefania attacking Frank with a frying pan after he attacks Ian in "Fiona Interrupted", ranting about aggressive men like her abusive ex, Marco. The sheer catharsis of that scene, both for her and for the audience, due to how they're likely infuriated with Frank beyond the point of forgiveness by that scene, is incredible.
  • Veronica going wild and getting Cheryl to sign her and Kev's divorce papers after Cheryl calls Kev a stupid piece of shit.
  • Ian doesn't get as many badass moments as you'd expect from an aspiring soldier, but there's a little moment that shows how badass he is. When Mickey is going nuts and beating Lloyd (Ian's older sex partner), Ian pulls Mickey off and than proceeds to knock him over with two fingers to the clavicle. Of course he runs off with Mickey, turned on by Mickey's jealousy, but the fact that Ian could beat Mickey, the violent gangbanger with zero effort is telling.
  • Jody gets a pretty good moment in episode ten. Sheila is trying to ask a doctor questions concerning Karen, and the doctor is acting as if she's a burden for being concerned about her daughter while constantly trying to walk off despite Sheila clearly not understanding what he's telling her. Jody finally chimes in with a glorious demonstration of Tranquil Fury, which finally makes the doctor give them a clear update on Karen's condition.
Jody: Hey. I'm a nice guy. Patient, not usually a violent dude. But if you try to leave here one more time without telling us what's going on in words we can understand, I will lift your tiny body over my head and throw you out the window.

     Season 4 

  • While Debbie’s character has undeniably changed for the worse, it is still awesome when she refuses to see Frank after Carl tells her he’s back. It’s a far cry from the Debbie who used to dote on him despite all the times he had let her down.
  • From "Emily", Mickey coming out to avoid losing Ian. And Mickey and Ian fighting Terry, who ends up getting a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown. When police officers come to stop the fight, one cop arrests Terry because he got into trouble not even four hours into parole, and another cop lets Mickey go because he happens to be gay too.
    Mickey: (to his dad next to him being handcuffed and taken by the police) Fuck you! Don't worry about it! I've been staying at Ian's since you been in the can, bitch! And you know what we've been doing, daddy?! We've been fucking! And I take it! He gives it to me good and hard and I fucking like it! I suck his dick and I fucking love it!
    • Also from "Emily". Lip's and Amanda's rather ingenuous ploy of extorting Amanda's Jerkass father, whom was bribing Lip in not seeing his daughter anymore. The best part? Amanda comes back to Lip later saying they could have gotten at least 20 grand or so, but Lip never seen 10 grand in person before and took it.
  • The scene with Frank and Carl near the frozen lake is just beautiful. After being through hell for the whole season, seeing Frank so full of life is so satisfying.
    Frank: (to the heavens) That all you got? That's it? I'm still here! Frank Gallagher! I'M ALIVE!! You see me?! You see me standing here?! You lost, asshole! I'M ALIVE, MOTHERFUCKER!! ME! FRANK GALLAGHER!! ALIVE!

     Season 5 
  • Fiona's boss, Sean, kicking the ass of a costumer being rude to Fiona, his wife going as far as slapping her, as well as not tipping her for the large order she served.
  • Gus beating up a guy for slapping Fiona, when she slapped him first, after he tried to grope Debbie.
    • In that same episode, Mickey and Ian's revenge prank against a homophobic minister. It involves getting Mandy to seduce the minister, take him to her house, having him look away while "Mandy" gives him head, before switching places when one of Ian's gay army buddies switch places with her. Ian, Mandy, Mickey and the other buddies proceed to take pictures of him and post it on the internet with Ian asking, "What are you going to say the your congregation? You thought it was a teenage girl? Or God himself?"
    • Also, Sheila getting fed up with Sammi's attitude and giving her "The Reason You Suck" Speech.
  • Frank's "The Reason You Suck" Speech to both Sheila and Sammi at the end of "The Two Lisas" borders on this and hilarious.
  • Mickey dragging Lip and Fiona along for an "errand." He proceeds to beat up a client of the brothel he owns, because the man had hit one of the prostitutes. Fiona and Lip are accordingly both shocked and impressed.

     Season 6 
  • Debbie telling Frank that Bianca probably committed suicide just to get away from him.
  • "The F Word": After Debbie admits that she lied to Derek about her birth control and got pregnant on purpose, Fiona invokes Tranquil Fury, lays down the law and wrecks Debbie's delusions.
    "You're right. Frank is the only person who thinks this pregnancy is a good idea. You have Frank on your side and that should bother you. You should be crying. And I want you to really get this too - if you have this baby, I will not support you. Not physically, not emotionally. I will not change a fucking diaper. I will not be woken up in the middle of the night because it has a fever or croup or fucking colic because you will not be living under my roof. You are on your own if you do this."
  • Ian’s speech about his bipolar disorder in "Familia Supra Gallegorious Omnia!". Not only does it show Ian finally coming to terms with and attempting to manage his mental illness, but it also represents his determination to get his life back together and not be treated as fragile.
    "One day, I show up and I’m acting all freaky, you tell me to go, and I will go. But don’t tell me I can’t do this job."

     Season 7 
  • "Ride Or Die" has Monica taking the family bat to the Delgados' windows, politely urging them to give back her granddaughter to Debbie.
    • Also, Frank rejecting Monica’s attempt at reconciliation at the beginning of the episode was satisfying and awesome on his part. It’s too bad that he ends up forgiving her again later.

     Season 8 
  • Frank's threat to the drug dealer to stay away from his family and Fiona's threat to Nessa's girlfriend in "God Bless Her Rotting Soul" are insanely awesome.
  • Ian's Biblical takedown of the conversion therapy group.
  • Lip picking a fight with Sierra's murderous dad, so he'll break parole and go back to prison.
