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Awesome / Serious Sam: The Second Encounter

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As usual, Spoilers Off for moment pages. So proceed with caution. You Have Been Warned

  • The entire "Grand Cathedral" level.
    • Just for starters, the monster count in this level is 1048 just for the normal difficulty!
    • The level starts at an S-shaped corridor where hordes and hordes of Kleer, Kamikazes, Biomechanoids (the Large variety), Werebulls and other big monsters make their presence felt. This corridor alone hosts almost half of the total of enemies of the level.
    • After a jumppad section with a few enemies, which was placed there mostly to relieve the tension of the corridor, Sam exits the castle and sees a small bunker. Then, an outdoor fight with wave after wave of enemies coming from different directions to the item tower. It starts with Kamikazes, then Kleer, then a combination of Big and Little Mechanoids, Werebulls, more Kleer, more Kamikazes, more Rocketeers, more Laser soldiers... All while a meteor and lightning storm ambients the fight.
    • And then Sam enters the castle and a bunch of trees are struck by lightning as Mordekai the Summoner, the game's Final Boss, makes his presence felt. What follows is a sequence of Sam mowing down not only Mordecai but also the different enemies he summons, as he cannot attack Sam directly.
    • Once Mordecai is finished, the baddies disappear and Sam proceeds to enter the temple and take the Holy Grail. Cue a phone ringing, and Sam going to the confessional:
    Sam: Forgive me father, for I have sinned.
    Mental: [as the Father] I'm not your father!
    Sam: Oh yeah, that's the other movie. Anyway, I do have a few things I'd like to confess.
    Mental: Well, that's what the confessional is for, isn't it, my son?
    Sam: I've been bad. I've been following the path leading to your being, but I must admit I almost strayed away. There were great temptations on my journey. It seems there have been a few unfortunate casualties during the past few days, and I'm really sorry about those. Not! It's also possible I accidentally dropped a few bombs here and there, but fortunately some of your employees caught them. Apparently I also slightly murdered many of your staff, which indeed might be the case, and I'm almost sorry about that, so I hope that counts. Oh yeah, I might've used bad language from time to time, but who gives a crap!? Finally, I'm heading straight towards you, and nothing, but nothing, can drag me away from your path. So please, have faith in this one thing. I'm coming to get... YOU!
