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Awesome / Salt and Sanctuary

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  • What happens to your character in both endings is wonderfully animated even for a minimalistic 2D Dark Souls experience.
    • In the Salvation ending, you jump into the well, descending into a seemingly void space for a long time, until you reach the sea level unharmed.
    • In the Domination ending, you slowly take up the helm of the Nameless God, as if to take his place. As the crown fits in your head, the scene rapidly shifts through the previous areas that you've discovered, symbolizing the cycle in which you have been trapped into.
  • The Ending quotes, which summarize how each of your Devotions have varying perspectives and meanings. While the Salvation endings imply that you have already been delivered, the ones from the Domination Ending just show how you've become a Badass who must be feared. For example, the Domination ending of The Three gives us this line.
    "Burning cities
    Bruis'd by war
    Praise not the Three
    I am the Fourth
  • The parrying mechanic. If you do it right, the enemy will be clearly staggered and vulnerable to your next attack. It is also accompanied by a slow motion and the camera will zoom in, waiting for you to unleash a painful counter-attack.
  • The manner in which you access Mal's Floating Castle for the first time. You have to activate the Vertigo Brand in a specific area with an open sky. You'll get to watch your character ascend upside-down towards the skies, until gravity normalizes past a point and you land without even taking damage.
  • How you encounter the Final Boss - You will be kneeling in front of him, just as how he told you in the early stages of the game as a scarecrow.
    • Its actually possible to defy him in this right. Since the kneeling is caused by taking a very small amount of Fall Damage, it's possible to roll immediately as you hit the ground, skipping the kneeling animation entirely. By the time the boss preview screen is in full effect, you character will be standing defiantly in the face of the final boss, not giving him even an inch in the ending confrontation.
