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Awesome / Rise of Legends

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  • Carlini faces down Czin, complete with Badass Boast.
  • The opening video, and the unnamed Vinci soldier's actions therein.
    • For context: A Vinci city-state's armies were losing against an Alin force of giant scorpions and golems. While Vinci musketeers were running back into the city, that unknown Vinci soldier held the drawbridge in a warmech, blasting back multiple golems singlehandedly with his warmech's weapons as he covered their retreat. He nearly bought it when a golem grabs his warmech, but was relieved by Vinci clockwork automatons. He continued fighting while they held the drawbridge, even smashing one Alin giant Scorpion with one warmech arm and blasting the scorpion rider trying to get at him with a musket. Unfortunately the dark genie leading them sends in dragons, which destroyed his supporting clockwork automatons, but undaunted he blasted one of the dragons diving at him, causing it to crash into and crush his warmech. Emerging from the wreckage, he found a whole formation of Alin giant scorpions and their riders bearing down on him, their dark genie leader in their midst. In a desperate ploy to prevent them from invading the city, he limped over, lifted one of the intact weapon arm from his destroyed warmech up, and unplugs one of its electric cables. As the dark genie ordered the Alin forces to attack, the unnamed Vinci soldier, glaring back at them defiantly, plugs the cable right into an open conduit and electricutes both the weapon arm and himself, causing its ammunition to cook off and detonate all at once right as the giant scorpions reached him, destroying himself, the giant scorpions and the drawbridge. In one epic Last Stand, this single soldier saved not only his comrades but his entire city from destruction.
  • Lenora's introduction and her dramatic air destroyer.
    Lenora: When you do find the Doge... make sure he suffers.
  • Giacomo FINALLY killing the Doge at the end of the second campaign. Even before that, that his relatively scrawny walker was able to go toe-to-toe with Doge's enormous mech was impressive.
    • this was subtly foreshadowed by the first of Giacomo's Journal entries (originally on the rise of legends website) detailing the lead-up to his "trip" to the lands of the Alin when he was younger, and part of his experiences there. he mentions a lack of interest in studying in Venuchi, dismissing the doge's work as relying on brute force over all else...
  • The death of the Moon God. Carlini picks up a strewn artillery shell and lobs it into the hollow machine. BOOM.
    • And Giacomo using the armor and machinery to upgrade his own walker, creating an utterly awesome warmech.
