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Awesome / Ragnarok (2020)

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Season One

New Boy

  • When Magne learns of Isolde's death, he storms outside in grief, grabs the hammer that he bought and throws it so far that it vanishes into the night sky. He follows this up with a scream so powerful, it could shake the heavens. And in response, the sky EXPLODES with LIGHTING. Magne is left reeling with shock, but the message is clear:

    He is the God of Thunder.


  • Magne chopping down a large pine tree with his fists. Just so he (and the audience) can see how powerful he now is.
  • History class, discussing the Norse gods and giants, and Saxa predictably defends the giants being cast as "the bad guys of the story." Then Erik asks if there was something — or someone — the giants feared. Magne raises his hand. Cut to the next scene. The answer is left startlingly obvious for the audience. . . the giants feared Thor, and Magne is now Thor. So the giants are afraid of Magne.

Yes, We Love This Country

  • Magne demonstrating that he, like Thor, is not mere Dumb Muscle. Figuring out that Jutul is moving their barrels of toxic waste, he steals several of the containers and puts them right on the doorstep of the police station, handing the cops unequivocal and unignorable evidence of Jutul's shady practices.
  • Laurits (evidently with Erik's collusion) roasting Ran Jutul at the Constituional Day speech. Laurits shows up with hair dyed platinum blonde just like Ran's, is wearing the "traditional" female dress and cap just like Ran, and gives a speech completely trashing, in a humorous way, JUTUL's business practices. She just has to sit and smile and pretend to take it in good humor while she's obviously internally fuming, and the townsfolk all think it's really funny. Arguably, Laurits strikes a bigger blow against Jutul than Magne managed to, the following fight included.
  • Magne fully embracing the power of Thor, first to deliver a Curb-Stomp Battle to Fyor, then when Vidar starts curb-stomping him, calling down the lightning to blast them both back in what seems like a Mutual Kill. But at the very end of the episode, we see Magne's fist clench, and Wenche's narration states that Ragnarok is not the end. . . it is the start. Promising that this story isn't over yet.

Season Two

Know Yourself

  • Magne being so distraught over having taken a life, even Vidar's, that he gives up his powers. Realizing he's now helpless to fight the Jutuls and protect humanity, he goes to Odin to ask for his powers back. Odin's willing, but only if Magne commits himself to the fight, ready and willing to kill. Magne refuses, still refusing to accept there is no better way. It takes some supreme balls to walk away from the Allfather, especially when he's in one of his more uncompromising moods.
  • Laurits turning the tables on Ran in epic trollface Loki fashion, by pointing out to her that the reason she hates him for being a bastard is that not only are giants infertile with humans normally, but they're apparently infertile with each other (or at least, Ran is). Just like the last time Laurits roasted her, Ran can do nothing but sit and fume as he demolishes her with a cheerfully cold smile on his face.

All You Need Is Love

  • Magne throwing Mjølnir for the first time. They've dismissed Magne because he renounced his powers, and believes even if he has the hammer, it's useless to him. Then they see him draw it, and looks of pure shock and terror cross their faces. He throws it, they bail out of their car, and the hammer flies through the car like it wasn't even there, setting the whole thing on fire, either through the friction of its passing or just its raw power, and then snaps back into Magne's hand, his eyes glowing blue with the power of the god of thunder. Thor lives. Giants, run.
  • Laurits saves himself when Ran and Fjor are out to kill him (and they very nearly succeed) by telling them he has the one thing that can kill Thor: The Midgard Serpent. The last scene of Laurits in the second season is him sitting at the water's eage releasing the serpent into the sea, and he watches it glide away while his eyes change color to gold and blue, showing once and for all who he really is.

Season Three

War Is Over

  • Magne gets angry enough to storm into Jutulheim with Mjølnir. Fyor and Ran are helpless and utterly terrified before him, unable to do anything but cringe, cower, and hope these aren't their last seconds on Midgard.

Till Death Do Us Part

  • It's in the midst of him being Drunk on the Dark Side, but when Magne draws Mjølnir against Wotan, the "king of the gods" himself looks terrified. The hammer is repeatedly called the most powerful weapon in existence, and the complete terror everyone who knows what it is shows when faced with it proves that's no exaggeration.

Losing My Religion

  • Saxa getting revenge for what's implied to be extremely long-term mistreatment by her family, with her recent punishment just being another in a string of humilations. Convincing Ran and Fyor to let her seduce Magne to take Mjølnir from him, she instead decides that with the new Thor wrapped around her. . . finger, she's got "a big, strong man to take care of" her. Making it plain to Ran and Fyor that if they so much as think about hurting her ever again, she'll sic Magne on them. Masterful semi-villainous manipulation there.
  • Thor encounters Jormungandr, and the Midgard Serpent eats Mjølnir, depriving Magne of his weapon. Mjølnir specifically would always return to Thor's hand, "no matter how far or how fast he hurled it," but Jormungandr's belly is proof against it.
