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  • Ha-ri deals with a money-launderer by: getting Byeong-min to send a fake message that gets one guard out of the way; pretending to be a policeman and convincing the other guard to leave; removing the money from the safe; and asking the gangsters to help him move the money when they walk in.
  • A crowd of gangsters try to attack Jin-ung. They very quickly learn their mistake. When In-gyu arrives he finds a roomful of beaten-up gangsters.
  • Ha-ri and co. publicly reveal Seong-gu's crimes and ensure his father can't cover up his guilt again. When Seong-gu tries to run Ha-ri stops him and punches him in the face.
  • Two guys harass A-ryeong. Ha-ri steps in and convinces them to leave by threatening them with a gun. And when they're gone he reveals the "gun" is actually a lighter .
