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Awesome / Pee-wee's Big Adventure

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  • In another word: BREAKFAST.
  • In one word: TEQUILA!
    • In fourteen words: Biker bar. Pee-wee Herman. Giant platform shoes. "Tequila" by The Champs. That dance.
      • In the process, winning their hearts when they were seriously considering destroying him, before.
  • Pee-wee managing to not only survive accidently ending up in a rodeo but breaking the bull-riding record!
    • Then the bull chases Andy off into the sunset!
    • Then Simone finally dumps Andy and finds true love with a nice, handsome, young Frenchman at the end.
  • Pee-wee finally steals his Cool Bike back and kicks off a huge chase scene across various soundstages and movie sets all over the Warner Bros. Studios.
  • After he escapes the Warner Bros. Studios, he happens on a pet store that has caught fire and saves every single animal trapped inside. Even the snakes.
  • The police and the studio, rather than hauling Pee-wee off to jail decide to make a cool spy flick based off of his adventure, instead (probably due to Pee-wee's bike being stolen and saving the critters in the pet shop).
  • Pee-wee launching Francis into deep space with the ejection seat of his Cool Bike.
  • "Come on, Dottie, let's go. "Let's go? Don't you want to see the rest of the movie?" "I don't have to see it, Dottie. I lived it."
