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Awesome / Party Crashers

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Mario Party Superstars is TOXIC

Don't EVER betray me in Mario Party | The Biggest Brain Play in all Mario Party Superstars

The WORST Board in Mario Party 1... | Mario Party is a dangerous game | Mario Party is WORLD War

Mario Party but it's 1 vs 3... | MARIO PARTY RAID BOSS - The Toxic King | Mario Party but we must DESTROY GOD

  • Sophist not only managing to get a decent score on Snow Whirled (a minigame he is terrible at) in order to ensure Nick got last, but also manages to win and tie with Brent on Mecha Marathon (a minigame he is also terrible at, while Brent is the best at).
  • Brent and Vernias getting the timing on Chance Time perfectly to successfully net themselves a Star from Nick, with Vernias even stating how he's been practicing Chance Time on his spare time.
  • Nick deserves some credit for his last turn Chance Time play, having planned it out a few turns earlier. With it, he could’ve at least guaranteed himself not getting last, with nobody able to stop him. It doesn’t work out, but at least he went down fighting until the end.

I became a RAID BOSS in Mario Party... | Mario Party but we must KILL THE KING

  • Vernias' Chance Time during the penultimate turn has him getting the timing on Chance Time perfectly to make Brent lose a Star, cementing Brent's last place and guaranteeing his team's victory:
    Vernias: I'm the greatest! Oh! I'm the greatest! Who was here?! Who was here?! Who slayed the boss?! Who slayed the king?! Who has dethroned him?! Who has stolen his crown?! That is me! VERNIAS!
    Nick: Vernias, I know... I know the leader of the Vern Nation always has my back!

Abusing the BEST Mario Party Mechanic

  • Nick, Sophist, and Vernias actually working together to make sure Brent doesn't get enough coins from the Coin Minigame Lightning Round to purchase the Star with his Golden Pipe on the final turn:

Sophist destroyed us lmao

  • After being a Butt-Monkey for most of their Mario Party sessions, Sophist proceeds to annihilate the others throughout this session, as the title of the video would suggest. The end results show Nick with 2 Stars (both from Bonus Stars), Vernias with 5 Stars (including 1 Bonus Star), Brent with 6 Stars (also including 1 Bonus Star), and Sophist with a whopping 10 Stars.

The most BRUTAL Board in Mario Party 1... | I'm starting to DESPISE Mario Party...

  • Brent shows his knowledge of the N64 Mario Party games in the coolest way when playing the minigame Mushroom Mix-Up. By Ground Pounding after the platforms went down, he was able to stall in the air just long enough so that the platforms would rise again to save his landing.
    • Vernias also deserves some credit for playing the minigame normally, reaching all the platforms even with the speed and winning against Brent, despite his and the others being absolutely shocked at the exploit.

Mario Party but we need to TIE | we turned Mario Party into a dating simulator

  • Brent and Vernias manage to tie themselves on the final turn, but their tie is put in jeopardy by the final minigame Bumper Balloon Cars. Nick and Sophist conspire to knock one of them out in order to sabotage the tie, leading to a hard-fought battle for Brent and Vernias to both stay alive. Against all odds, Brent and Vernias manage to come out on top and successfully tie.

I’m Sorry, Vernias

  • Sophist taking advantage of the top-right Item Shop's location by constantly purchasing Reverse Mushrooms whenever he gets the chance, allowing him to repeatedly travel backwards and use the Boo multiple times. Not only did this allow him to steal a Star from Brent, but this culminates in Sophist rolling high enough to land on Chance Time, the first time Sophist has ever attempted in this game, ending with Sophist stealing all of Brent's Stars. And since Bonus Stars were off, this act cemented his victory for the rest of the game. Everyone (including Brent) was amused by this.
