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Awesome / 1000 Ways to Die

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

  • Fiddle Licked: A CIA agent posing as a violinist in a fancy restaurant uses an experimental laser rifle disguised as a violin case to kill a terrorist posing as a man on a date.
  • M.R.Ouch: A smokin' hot nurse who once was in the military tries to disarm a gun-toting drug addict with an MRI machine — and ends up killing him when the metal plate in his head also gets attracted.
    • And unlike the Ex'd Ex example, this could easily be classified as self-defense or justifiable homicide due to the man carrying a gun and already having a police record, meaning despite leading to the junkie's death, the nurse will likely receive at most a warning or probation.
  • Ichiboned: A Japanese couple who were too repressed to have sex finally do it, but because they've never done it before, their hearts gave out when they reached simultaneous orgasms, since their abstinence meant that their bodies were never prepared for the effect of the hormones released after intercourse. It's more a Bittersweet Ending (or even a Tear Jerker), but it does count as a Moment of Awesome just for the fact that they didn't die in some bloody, horrific way, going out peacefully together and on their own terms after doing something they had always wanted to do. Even the narrator acknowledges this as a tragedy for some and gives it the #1 spot.
  • Wrin-Killed: A purse-snatcher gets his trachea smashed by a little old lady with 30 years' experience in Tae Kwon Do when he tried to take her purse. Eagerly and hilariously lampshaded in the recreation itself, since the bystanders actually start cheering for the grandma as they watch on how she curbstomps the Asshole Victim.
  • Radium Girls: In this case, it's not the death that is a crowning moment, but the aftermath of said death. A woman from the 1920s named Wendy died by covering herself with glow-in-the-dark, radioactive paint (using it as body paint for her lover during sex), and contracted bone cancer. The company she worked for knew about the dangerous effects of radium, yet used it in their paint anyway, and in fact encouraged the female workers to keep their paintbrushes sharp by licking them, and thus consuming dangerous radioactive material. After the woman's death, her co-workers filed one of the first successful workers' rights lawsuits, won, and according to the narration, "increased safety standards across America." The Other Wiki confirms this as the truth; it was the first successful lawsuit of its kind in the United States.
  • ReTired: A combination of someone dying peacefully, worn out technology, and a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Arthur is an 85-year-old widower who likes nothing more than to turn on the engine of his antique Chrysler and reminisce about his life. Shuggy is a lowlife thief who's just robbed a gas station. On one fateful morning, Arthur peacefully dies in his sleep at the wheel of his car, and the handbrake gives out not long after, sending the car straight down the street towards the intersection Shuggy is now trying to cross; Karma comes from beyond the grave when the car flattens him!
  • Suck Her Punched: A rapist mistakes a cross-dressing boxer (who cross-dresses as a means to calm down from his Testosterone Poisoning) for an actual woman and attacks him. The boxer defends himself and kills the rapist with his strong right cross (triggered whenever someone calls him a "lady").
  • Ex'D Ex: A man takes his girlfriend on a hayride and proposes. Her jealous ex-boyfriend, who had been stalking them, angrily puts on a ski mask and jumps on the ride carrying an axe. The man reflexively punches the ex out, knocking him into the road, where he gets run over.
    • Goes from awesome to Tear Jerker when they see it's their old friend and the girl bursts into tears, though...
  • Grilled: An obnoxious Chinese sweatshop owner obsessed with gangster rap is killed when his abused workers get their revenge on him by poisoning him with a gold grill lined with rosary peas.
  • Back Stabbed: A Viking leaves his brother in charge of his village while he goes marauding. The brother abuses this power to rape his brother's wife. Eventually, the marauding brother returns and catches the rapist, and kills him by cutting his back open and ripping his lungs out (this is called the "Blood Eagle").
    Nygarde: I'm gonna take your life! I'm gonna do it the worst way we know how!
  • Fatally Gourd: What's more surprising is that none of the rednecks got killed for haphazardly using their pumpkin launcher despite the hazards it poses to the user(s). They managed to land a lucky shot at a pumpkin thief who sells the pumpkins he stole to satisfy his greed. Needless to say, that thief got a taste of poetic justice courtesy of the rednecks.
  • Orspasm: A woman with PGAD (a condition that makes people orgasm from the slightest vibration) is tormented by her current boyfriend, who makes her orgasm for his own pleasure. One day, he pokes her with a muscle massager, and she orgasms, which causes her to knock him down the stairs, killing him. Even if it was an accident, it was pretty awesome seeing her do that.
  • Homie Invasion/Homie's Dead: A thief named Vince sneaks into a couple's house and attacks the husband with a baseball bat when he investigates, killing him. The wife tries CPR, but it doesn't work. However, after she leaves in grief (and a fake title card), the man wakes up as her CPR apparently caused what's known as "Lazarus Syndrome". As Vince is trying to climb down the balcony, the husband's revival scares the hell out of him, causing him to fall three stories onto solid pavement.
    Narrator: There'll be no resurrecting you, Vince. Ya rat bastard.
  • Lac-Toasted: The big one. Two words: badass moms.
  • Premature Endings: A woman walks through a hospital filled with people suffering from injuries that wouldn't look out of place on the rest of the show. The woman walks through them all and into a room containing her dying father, who's had a long, rewarding life and is about to pass away of... old age. This is a twofold moment of awesome- one for the show's message (you can either live like the people before this and end up on the show, or you can live sensibly like the dying old man and watch the show), and one for the fact that the man died completely peacefully!
  • Deaf Jammed: Mickey, a car thief/carjacker who preyed on women exclusively, attempts to carjack another woman by way of unlocking the back door through the open window, but he never got the chance; the woman rolled up her windows as he tried to get in and the automatic window crushes his windpipe, rendering him unable to call out for help. However, the woman is deaf, so his pleas would've been ineffective as is. He eventually suffocates to death after some time passes, granting the scumbag eternal rest.
  • Lady & The Trampled: After a biker rips the bra off a dancer in a bar, one of the other dancers floors him with a good hard kick in the chest, causing him to be trampled by the other bikers.
  • Bad Laps: It is impressive that the swimmers managed to swim 20 laps in the 85-degree water with none of them quitting. Too bad the instructor couldn't.
