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Awesome / Mission: Impossible

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Awesome moments in the Mission: Impossible TV series. For the Awesome page of the Mission: Impossible films, see here.

  • The already awesome theme music has a Public Secret Message: the Morse Code symbol for the letter M is "dash-dash"; for the letter I, it's "dot-dot". So the theme music, which is built around a "dash-dash, dot-dot" rhythm, is also typing out the show's initials in Morse Code.
  • In "The Legend", Rollin pulls the rug out from under the villain of the week and his scheme to resurrect the Nazis through a dummy impersonating Martin Bormann by... impersonating Martin Bormann. The Oh, Crap! expression on the Big Bad's face as everyone else heils "Bormann" is priceless.
    • This is not the first time. Previously? He managed to bluff a group of Nazis that he was part of a secret society, despite knowing literally nothing about their plans, and ended up recovering $300 MILLION in Nazi Gold.
  • In "Death Squad", when Barney and his cellmate are about to be hanged by a corrupt police force for crimes they (certainly Barney) didn't commit, Mr. Collier's refusal of a blindfold drives his formerly nervy colleague to take his punishment like a man and similarly decline. Fortunately this doesn't become a Dying Moment of Awesome for either of them, as the rope has been rigged to break by the IM Force as part of the rescue.
  • Several installments, like "The Killer", "The Council" (parts one and two), "The Mind Of Stefan Miklos", "Operation Rogosh" and "The Heir Apparent" are basically Episodes Of Awesome.
  • Don't forget "The Cardinal". Everything about it is awesome.
  • In "The Short Tail Spy" Cinnamon fights against an assassin whose MO is to murder women he seduces. She seduces him instead, leading to causing him a heavy dose of karma, and likely permanently damaging his attempts to modernize the entire enemy spy system!
