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Awesome / minus.

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  • The green haired girl's introduction. Her drawing of a robot comes to life to fight minus's drawing of a dinosaur, and, thus, a new friendship starts.
  • This strip sets a high standard. minus prepares to hit a huge asteroid with a baseball bat. Considering minus's control over her powers, she probably kicked it right out of the park - and out of the planet.
  • So does this one! A man made of minus's dishes single-handedly beats people in a boxing a judo club, and proceeds to become an unmatched champion for a while.
  • Or indeed, this one, where the red-haired girl with a ponytail joins the resistance against the rule of minus, who is playing the role of an evil queen.
    • By extension, the entirety of the 'Girls' Bathroom Epic'. The fact that minus buit an entire medieval universe in a girl's bathroom is awesome in itself, though the part after the above strip where the red-haired ponytail girl trains and fights in battles also qualifies.
