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Awesome / Krampus

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  • Another Mama Bear moment: Aunt Dorothy with the shotgun.
  • Rosie the dog after previously being shown to be afraid of whats going on not only gets a Big Damn Heroes moment by eating the last gingerbread that was attacking Howard but also willingly goes into the air vents to attack Der Klown despite it being much larger than she is.
  • Tom's Papa Wolf moment being his last stand against the underground snow beast. After sharing some final words with his family, he impressively manages to hold it off with a shotgun long enough for the remaining members to reach the snowplow.
    Tom: (cocks shotgun) "COME ON!"
    • Earlier Tom rescuing Howard.
  • Howard fighting the gingerbread men in the kitchen.
  • The stop-motion animation used to tell Omi Engel's story about her encounter with Krampus long ago. It nicely sets up the atmosphere that a tragic and scary story is about to be told.
