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Awesome / Juken Sentai Gekiranger

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  • Jan's first transformation into Geki Red, accompanied by the opening song!
  • Rio is a walking, talking CMoA tanker. For one, he's one of the very few Super Sentai villains to get equal focus and Character Development to the main protagonists, which makes him belong in every second of his scenes.
  • The triangle mastering Kageki and debuting their Super Gekiranger forms.
    Rio: What is Kageki?! I'll just crush that pointless power!
    Jan: I'm not losing! I will protect! Super Tiger Geki!
  • All the Enemy Mine scenes.
  • When Retsu refuses to give in to Bion-Biao.
  • Retsu vs Moryia in episode 6. This dude is called Fantastic Technique for a reason.
  • Jan's duel with Maku in episode 35.
  • Episode 39. MIKI summons and takes control of SaiDaiOu.
  • The entirety of Episode 47.
  • The fourth Kensei, Sharkie Chan, gives the Gekirangers a few tests to see how tough their body is for training. First, he flings a series of rocks at the canoe they're in. While Ran and Retsu are exhausted from rowing for the past three hours, Jan's still got power to spare, and deflects every rock coming his way with a boulder. Impressed, Sharkie then sets the river on fire. Jan's response? Stick his oar in the riverbed and spin the canoe around it so fast that the vortex puts out all the flames. Then, Sharkie starts swimming after them Jaws-style (Ran lampshades this), and turns it into a race. When he starts to outpace the canoe, what does Jan do? He breaks the oar over his head and DUAL-PADDLES WITH THE PIECES!
  • Rio has more than one Crowning Moment of Awesome where he proves that his Juken is stronger than theirs by pummeling the Rangers flat, then lets them go because they are not yet worthy of being killed by him. This is, of course, exactly what you're not supposed to do...
    • "A tiger could never beat a lion." "A tiger...WILL NOT LOSE!!!" * explodes with Kageki* * fizzles out like a wasted candle*
      • ...that time. Two episodes later, you get Jan's "I know why I fight" speech and the resulting debut of the Super Gekiranger. The Power Trio proceed to Curb Stomp Rio and minions very thoroughly, with the Super GekiBeasts as an encore... particularly the bit where they summon the other six GekiBeasts for a nine-beast combo attack.
  • All those moments where the Gekirangers get their asses handed to them by some other villain, so that Rio and Mele have to step in and bail them out, definitely count.
  • Jan, like a good Red Ranger, gets a few of these, including the above-mentioned debut of Super GekiRed and a later episode where he borrows Ken's Saiblade and then kicks Maku's ass.
  • Everyone has an incredible one in the second-to-last episode. The show's Big Bad and his right hand man are pummelling the heroes and Rio/Mele. Right when things are looking bleakest, Rio and Jan (Geki Red) deliver an awesome speech that turns everything around. Cue Awesome Music set to one of the most awesome team fights in Super Sentai.
