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Awesome / Jack (David Hopkins)

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Jack contains its share of awesome.

  • Jack's revenge on Drip after the latter's actions towards Fnar made the former very, very pissed off. Mmmm, near-complete destruction of one's physical existence bar one tiny bit to keep the rest from regenerating.
  • Lita redeems herself and decides before she allows herself to be resurrected to try and help others redeem themselves too.
  • Megan manages to save Susan and dies an old woman.
  • Specks reveals herself as an Angel and starts kicking ass in Megan's Run part 2.
  • It is established early on that physical displays of affection from an angel can heal Jack's damaged memory. This leads to the following exchange when the Angel Reckonin', despite just having had his wings torn off gets frustrated enough with Jack's emo angst to decide that Jack needs to stop moping about and remember and face his past.
    Reckonin': Stand up, Jack. I'm sure I don't need to tell you that there are many ways to physically show someone that you care for them...
    Jack: I don't understand w-
    Reckonin': [Punches Jack in the Face] STOP YOUR DAMNED WHINING!!
  • Anytime Reckonin shows up.
    • This Exchange
    Jack: (Upon having All his memories restored) MY SINS WILL MAKE ME A MONSTER!!
    Reckonin: Facing them will make you a Man for the First Time in your entire Existence.
  • Central, the by-the-book angel, pushes Fangs off a five-story building in Been Reading Job.
  • Jack rescuing Silverblue from her "Groundhog Day" Loop. She then leads a revolt at the Coliseum
  • Pretty much whenever a heroic character manages to accomplish something with few drawbacks.
  • Artie "turning himself in".
