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Awesome / Hotel Transylvania 2

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  • Mavis showing off some sick bike tricks, despite never riding one before.
  • Running on pure Mama Bear energy, Mavis flies all the way from California to Transylvania, while carrying Johnny (and their's very heavy luggage), in the span of two hours.
  • Winnie barking at Dennis’s cousins when they were being jerks to him, scaring them enough that one of them starts crying.
  • Drac's shapeshifting abilities. In the camp, he transforms briefly into a bat, a wolf, rat and even a poisonous snake. Mavis herself late in the climatic fight, is seen transformed into her bat form and a rat, which confirms that she can transforms into the same creatures as her father.
  • The moment when Dennis's vampire powers are awakened after Bela harms Winnie. Dennis then proceeds to put the bat monster in his place.
  • The Drac family including Dennis and all of Hotel Transylvania opening up a can of whoop-bat on Bela's legion of vampire bats!
    • Not only that, but Bela's army are extremely strong monsters, humans can break their hands easily if they try to punch them, and the Draculas defeated them with an insulting ease. Even one of them can defeat the entire army. They literally played with them.
    • We finally get to see what a proper Frankenstein rampage looks like, and not only does Frank wipe the floor with the vampire bats, but he also pulls a Big Damn Hero and saves Blobby, before actually throwing Blobby to trap four other bats inside him.
    • Wayne tries his best to fight, but quickly gets overpowered, so what does he do? Summon his army of kids and let them loose on the bats, swiftly overpowering them in sheer numbers alone.
  • Dracula showing off his mad breakdancing skills. He even has his cape dance a little.
