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Awesome / Heroes Reborn (2015)

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  • At the end of the premiere, Miko finds herself face-to-face with security in the building where her father is being held. One of the security guards walks up and lays a hand on her sword. Her reponse? "Do not touch my sword." Cue Curb-Stomp Battle.

The Needs of the Many

  • When Farah berates Malina for being cocky, stating that "grown men fear" going where they're going, Malina picks up a hibernating butterfly and revives it with her powers, stating: "It's a good thing I'm not a grown man." She then proceeds to spread her arms, awakening a whole flock of hibernating butterflies.
  • At Renautas, Noah, Taylor, and Quentin are confronted by three of Harris's clones. What does Bennet do? Tell Taylor and Quentin to duck at his command as he shoots a fire extinguisher to distract the clones and fires a round into each of them.

The Lion's Den

  • Just when Harris and Erica have Noah, Quentin, and Taylor at gunpoint, Miko jumps and crashes right through the glass door. She manages to get a few good punches and kicks into Harris enough that Noah and Quentin manage to subdue the clone. Although Erica and another clone manage to escape, Miko accomplishes her goal of getting her sword back.
  • Despite her injuries, Farah and Malina manage to blow off Harris and his men long enough for Malina to escape to safety at Farah's insistence.

June 13th, Part 1

  • Hiro's complete pwnage of Harris, dicing up one clone and then freeing Mohinder. When more clones show up, Hiro casually stops time and then warps away, showing just how much higher on the power tier he is than the clone man.
    • Mohinder getting in on the action and uppercutting one of the Harris clones through the air.

11:53 to Odessa

  • Carlos only has his Army training and his determination, but he manages to kick some security guard ass as he rescues an unconscious Farah from being tagged. Then they go into Battle Couple mode as they beat down some more Renautas mooks as they attempt to escape Sunstone Manor.

Send in the Clones

  • Micah destroys Erica's credibility with the public by uploading the video footage of her coaching a shapeshifter into posing as Mohinder and claiming credit for the Odessa bombing.
  • Harris has long been a thorn in the side of everyone except Erica, so it was damn satisfying to see Miko take out Harris Prime.

Project Reborn

  • Tommy's complete decimation of Erica's plans, circumventing her Sadistic Choice by using his powers to be in two places at once. He even gives her a little sarcastic salute before teleporting away and leaving her to be erased with that future once the H.E.L.E. is stopped.
