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Awesome / Go West! A Lucky Luke Adventure

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  • In general the sheer amount detail put into the action shots are simply astounding. Special mention goes to how crazy the mine cart chase scene gets, with how much the tracks spin and spiral around each other as the settlers try desperately to get the money from the Daltons
  • The Daltons finally manage to outmaneuver the NYPD and return to grab their loot. Luke managed to beat them to their hiding spot, having found their stashed prison outfits and tries to take them in. Heavily armed after having held up a gun store earlier, the Daltons standoff with Luke, who once again beats his shadow and disarms them. With a single bullet, Luke isn't just Blasting It Out of Their Hands as usual this time - he outright dismantled their entire arsenal as it falls to pieces after a few seconds.
  • Joe managed to convince the settlers that the journey to California would be much more arduous and perilous than they believed, manipulating the situation to force Luke to join them on their journey and keep them safe and giving the Daltons extra time to find their loot, as Luke would be forced to bring the brothers along with him.
  • Luke is very unamused when he learns the stipulation behind the purchase of the settlers' lands in California and that they paid the merchant in advance. During the time Crook is introducing himself, Luke is giving him a Death Glare, and immediately after Crook leaves he comes up with a plan to make it to California in 80 days.
  • In Missouri, Crook tries to stop the settlers with a pair of alligators. With two gunshots, Luke turns them into fashion accessories.
  • At the end, Joe finally has Luke at his mercy, forcing him to drop his gun by holding a hostage. Just as he's about to kill him, a bullet that had seemingly missed its mark during the shootout in the mineshaft ricochets out and enters the barrel of Joe's gun, dismantling the gun from the inside. This pushes Joe into complete insanity.
    Luke: My name is Luke, Joe. Lucky Luke.
