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Awesome / Florence Foster Jenkins

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  • Agnes, of all people, silencing everyone in Carnegie Hall to stand up for Florence and silence the hecklers, giving the singer the opportunity to continue her concert. It's interesting because when she first heard her, Agnes laughed so hard she had to be dragged out of there. But having poor Florence be embarrassed at Carnegie Hall? That's where this showgirl draws the line.
  • "People may say I can't sing, but no one can ever say I didn't sing." This is a real quote from Jenkins (in the film, she says it on her deathbed; in Real Life, she said it several times as a response to her critics). Perhaps some might have gone so far as to say she shouldn't sing, but it speaks to the fortitude of belief in one's own abilities: maybe you're actually terrible, maybe you're a genius, and maybe you are even giftedly bad, as Florence was. But if you don't at least try to follow your dream, you'll never know how good or bad you might have been.
