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Awesome / Duck Soup

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  • "We're Going To War," the only musical number in any Marx Brothers film to feature all four of them.
  • How about the fact that Mrs. Teasdale is wealthy and powerful enough to basically decide who runs an entire country? During the scene in which the old ruler of Fredonia is trying to get her to bail out the country to satisfy the people, she has this reply:
    Mrs. Teasdale: I'm sorry, but I'm inclined to agree with the people. The government has been mismanaged.
    • Then there's the great "Bitch, please" eyeroll she does when turning them down.
  • Getting banned in Fascist Italy. When the leader of one of the worst dictatorships in the world thinks you're specifically making fun of him, you know you are doing something right.
  • When Firefly calls up all other nations of the world, what follows is a massive (and hilarious) Gondor Calls For Stock Footage scene of tanks, armies and groups of traveling animals. It's no wonder they end up winning.
