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Awesome / Dragon Booster

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

  • No matter what he did later, Artha going back for Lance in the pilot was awesome.
  • Near the end of episode 2, Artha and Beau taping into their power as Kitt falls from the Penn stables. Allowing Beau to grow a set of wings, which allows them to catch Kitt and glide to safety.
    Parm: (in awe) He's... alright. Look (hands his binoculars to Lance), Beau's got, superpowers.
    Lance: Drac!
  • Episode 3 "Into the Fire", Artha managing to resist the influence of Word's Mind Control pod gear and throw it into the lava pit of Pyrrah's track.
    Word: (shocked) Impossible!
  • Episode 4 "Opposing Force", after Moordryd has used his Wraith Dragon to cheat Phistus out of a victory in their jousting battle. Artha, as the Dragon Booster appears to challenge Moordryd's win in an epic Big Damn Heroes style.
    Artha/Dragon Booster: According to the laws, there can be one more challenge today.
  • Episode 6 "The Stand", Beau managing to stop a panicked stamped of Dragons. Simply by "talking" to them, they even bow to him.
  • Episode 8, "Three Times a Hero". One has to give credit that Parm even came up with the idea for Artha to be in three places at once. If not for him, Artha would have had to make the hard choice of choosing between his three critical meetings. But Parm's idea to use the disguises actually works out perfectly. Even the idea for Lance having to pose as Artha in the street race works, though the poor kid is left feeling sick afterwards.
    • Artha and the others managing to cause chaos and terrify the Dragon Eye's, while Parm and Lance disguise themselves as the Dragon Booster. The best part? Moordryd and his crew never suspect a thing.
  • Episode 9 "All is Not Lost", Stewardd upgrading Artha's simple blocking staff to combat the Wrath Dragons and the Muhorta. All by combining it with the very technology Word used to lure Artha and Beau down into the wastes in the first place. As the Keeper himself said:
    Stewardd: We collect things, make new things!
  • Episode 10, "The Lost Track of Doom". Artha and Beau, after they remember Mortis's words "when each becomes part of the one". Somehow the pair manage to "literally" fuse their powers together and transform, gaining incredible speed as a result, dodging the orange dragons' mag bolts with ease.
    Propheci: (shocked) Not possible! A Dragon and human, as one!?
  • Episode 13, "The Chromatic Dragon". When Artha, Parm, Kitt and Lance are pinned down and about to be attacked by the mutated Brutaris. Wulph and Ferryt, of all people arrive to help and manage to distract Brutaris long enough for Artha to destroy the artificial Bone Mark making him go crazy. The pair even share a salute of respect with the Dragon Booster before parting company.
    Wulph: Today, the Army of the Dragon chose to serve the greater good.
  • Episode 1 of season 2 "Rules of Power". The Dragons of Khatah's crew standing against the Samurox-powered Cyrano.
  • Episode 2 of season 2 "Broken Bonds". While falling to his death, Artha's Dragon Booster suit manages to grow a pair of makeshift "wings". Allowing him to glide to safety.
    • Once Beau has recovered from the Black Draconium poison. He stands above the Dragons he had previously summoned and roars, causing them all to stop instantly. He jumps down and the dragons all bow as he walks past them.
  • Lance's speech to Moordryd in the episode "Wraith Booster", since it contributed to Moordryd taking out the brainwashed Dragon Booster later.
    • And how does Moordryd do it? By breaking Word's camera, so his father doesn't know it's him saving the day (he's still a "Well Done, Son" Guy after all), and then using rappel gear, not a weapon (well, he dropped his fast), and letting himself be grabbed so he can attach the line. And when that stops working, he pulls a "I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight speech, despite not knowing who the Dragon Booster really is, and IT WORKS.
      • Using the line Lance fed him: "RELEASE THE DRAGON!"
  • One episode "Prophet's Motive" has the main characters locked up in a cell built so that neither man nor dragon could escape. But then Lance reflects that this might not apply to a kid whose neither grown man nor a dragon and as the others are arguing with their cellmates suddenly, they're interrupted by Lance, who is on the outside.
    • Mortis demonstrating some Heroic Willpower as he tries to resist Propheci's control, albeit only for a moment. Something no other human had been shown to be capable of doing.
  • The beginning of episode 8 of season 2 "Still Waters Freeze". Marianis and Dorsull of the Dragon Fish Crew ambushing Moordyrd and Cain, saving the Dragon the pair had been trying to steal.
  • Rivett, coming out on top in "The Mechanist", and no one knowing that he did.
    • From the same episode, the showdown over the Horn between the leaders of the Racing Crews.
  • Cain growing a backbone in "Cain's Mutiny", after taking all of Moordryd's crap he just wants the guy to acknowledge it. Cain splits off and temporarily forms a new crew in opposition to Moordryd.
    • Especially impressive, since it was previously revealed that he has a fear of making decisions on his own.
  • Moordryd in the finale, clearly breaking from his father, and refusing to beat Artha (who he knows is the Dragon Booster) by cheating (his usual modus operendi). And then, when his father tries to cheat against the injured Artha anyways, what does Moordryd do? He stands between Artha and a wraith dragon, knowing he'll get hurt, and mends a fence or two in the process.
    • Becomes a bit of a "What the Hell, Hero?" moment for the officials when sure, some of the other Wraith attacks during the game could be made to look like they were accidents Artha had, but Moordryd getting knocked aside out of nowhere in the middle of the field with nothing visible nearby didn't raise a flag?
