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Awesome / Broken Age

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  • After escaping her Maiden's Feast Vella ends up standing on the back of a large bird with a knife clutched between her teeth. Badass. And the escape itself is not some regular running away, either: Vella used said knife to cut herself out of the sacrificial cake and then used her corset as a makeshift lasso to catch the bird!
  • Towards the end of Act I, Vella fighting and defeating Mog Chothra with a giant laser.
  • Grabbin' Gary's finally grabbing something: the ship's manual boom arm controls.
    • At the end of the story, he maneuvers the arms to save Shay, without any prompt from Shay but just because he wants to save him.
  • The Knife's (presumed) last words.
  • Not content with the moments she already got, Vella gets another big one at the end: She's grabbed by Marek but frees herself with a kick, and then trashes him with a few punches.
    Marekai: I thought you were a baker! *faints*
    Vella: Yeah, I can do that too.
  • F'ther's reaction to Harm'ny's "big hoarded junk pile". After suffering a brief crisis of faith, the guy who was previously shown as a simple-minded coward and a Butt-Monkey, finally does something right.
    Shay: "Hey, is that a Heavy-Duty Anti-Gravity Thrust Unit right there?"
    F'ther: "I have no idea, but you're welcome to take it. [...] As a matter of fact, is there any place you'd like it delivered?"
    • After which he leaves to take care of Harm'ny. By which he means put him in a cage and start disposing of that junk pile.
  • Shay generally doesn't get to do anywhere near as many awesome things as Vella does, due to his character being geared more towards peace and kindness, but who besides Shay can claim to have incapacitated a dangerous constrictor just by standing there and bearing the snake's attempts to squeeze the life out of him until it wears itself out?
