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Awesome / Bride of Frankenstein

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  • The Monster Breaking the Bonds when he is imprisoned. While his rampage across the town and countryside can't be considered awesome, his sheer strength is a sight to behold.
  • Pretorius responding to meeting the Monster with utter, serene calm, and managing to spin it into a new plan entirely within seconds of meeting him. He isn't even fazed by the Monster's entrance.
  • Elizabeth giving Pretorius and his ego a thorough dressing down when he tries to talk Henry into restarting his experiments.
  • In a moment that crosses over with Tear Jerker and Heartwarming Moment, the moment when the Monster sees Henry's bride Elizabeth come to the tower so she can die with him. Tears in his eyes, the Monster tells them, "You go! You live!"... right before he turns to Pretorius and snarls, "You stay. We BELONG dead!" and blows the tower, Pretorius, the Bride, and himself to kingdom come.
  • The Monster (and the Bride, in some continuities and written sequels in novels or Halloween Horror Nights) survived an explosion that according with Pretorious, will blow them to atoms. Yes, Universal's Frankenstein's Monster survived a literal disintegration as we see in the sequels.
