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Awesome / Babe

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked. You have been warned.

  • Miriam Margolyes' unrecognizable performance as Fly. If you knew nothing about her you'd think she was American (or Canadian).
  • "Now the pig understood why the sheep called all dogs 'wolves', and he was filled with a deep and terrible rage..." Thus Babe charges full on at a pack of wild dogs, routing them in a Curb-Stomp Battle. He saves the rest of the flock, but Maa's throat has already been torn out, and she dies shortly after. Even so, it is pretty awesome to see a small pig attacking and DEFEATING a pack of fully-grown dogs who could've easily killed him. The dogs only whine and retreat in a hurry when they see Babe charging them.
    • This moment can actually be seen as a Call-Back to earlier in the film, where Babe tried and failed to stop the sheep rustlers and was easily chased off by their dog. Not this time. He even rams the first wild dog off its feet the same way the rustler's dog did to him!
    • Even better in the book, where one of the dogs tries to attack Babe, thinking he's another sheep that had found courage to fight back. This proves to be a poor decision, as he proceeds to bite a chunk out of it, sending it howling out of the field in pain and terror. Anyone who knows the kind of damage a pig’s bite can inflict will understand why the dog would choose to run at that point.
  • How Duchess was thrown out of the house. Hoggett sees Babe scratched, and then casually picks Duchess up and dumps her outside in the rain, all without saying anything or expressing any emotion.
  • It's amazing watching Mr. Hoggett dancing during the scene when he takes care of Babe. He just looks so HAPPY, it's hard not to love it, and with all that energy, you have to say he’s a Cool Old Guy.
  • The best moment of the movie starts with Rex retrieving the password — the Sheep's Creed — from the flock at the farm, in exchange for promising to treat the sheep with decency and respect, and keeping it secret. He actually hitches a ride with a utility truck to get back to the trials in time to give it to Babe...
    • ...followed by Babe reciting the password to the herd at the trials. They came around in a really big hurry.
      Babe: Baa-Ram-Ewe! Baa-Ram-Ewe! To your breed, your fleece, your clan be true! Sheep be true! Baa-Ram-Ewe!
      Trial Sheep: Wha... What did you say?
    • That scene also demonstrates how much Babe's All-Loving Hero status really changed things on the farm, especially between sheep and dogs. Rex, even though he's still a bit rude about it at first, is able to swallow down his pride and ask the sheep for help, despite his usual feelings about the matter. He visibly cringes at admitting to his bad hearing, but does so knowing that being polite is the best way to go. The sheep, despite their trepidation at trusting a "wolf", are accomodating for his bad hearing and give him their aid, acknowledging that "Maa would have wanted it!". Their shared bond with Babe truly did bring about miracles in that regard.
  • There's a bit of a delay while Babe explains the competition to the sheep at the trials, while the audience laughs at the apparent tomfoolery. That laughter and jeering is replaced by utter silence as Babe gets the sheep to quickly, and flawlessly, perform the routine — followed by the crowd going completely wild as Babe is awarded a perfect score by all the judges.
    • There's also Mrs. Hoggett's reaction. At first, she's sobbing thinking her husband's making a fool of himself. Her sobs are followed by silence at the sight of Babe's perfect performance. Then, when Babe is awarded a perfect score, she's crying with pure joy.
    • Mr. Hoggett's choice of words for Babe. "That'll do, Pig. That'll do."
