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Awesome / Ar tonelico: Melody of Elemia

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"Goodbye, Bourd. See you never!"

  • Lyner and Krusche get a shared moment early in the story when Lyner dives off the edge of an airship to catch a falling Aurica (even before they really get to know each other) after Bourd throws her away. When they inevitably fall from that, Krusche pulls a Catch a Falling Star with her airship to save both of them.
  • Lyner is again hanging onto a ledge for dear life after retrieving the Hymn Crystal Purger and is about to fall to his death, when Aurica's eyes go blank and she begins crafting a new Song Magic to let him survive the fall. Radolf explicitly mentions that a Reyvtail can only craft new Song Magic outside of a Cosmosphere Dive is when she has an overwhelming desire to protect someone. She's only known Lyner for a few days at this point.
  • Bourd attacks the party while they climb the Tower and has Misha in tow. Misha spends the entire battle charging up her Song. After Bourd loses, he tells Misha to unleash her Song, and she does... on him! Even the fact that he survives the fall doesn't diminish it one bit.
    Misha: I told you before, I'll never obey you... Goodbye, Bourd. See you never!
