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Awesome / A Student Out of Time

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  • Hajime turning down the Steering Committee's offer and giving them an epic "The Reason You Suck" Speech in the process.
  • Hajime making his grand debut as "Kasugano" during the Practical Exams Arc by hijacking the broadcasting system and calling out Hope's Peak for its horrendous criminal activity.
  • Hajime exposing Kanade for what she really is during the Concert Arc. She arrogantly confesses her crimes to him, thinking that she'll soon kill him and escape, only for it to be revealed that Hajime had been using a microphone in his tie to record the whole thing and, with Chiaki's help, broadcast it to the entire mall via the speaker system.
    • Following this, Kanade decides to murder Hajime in a fit of rage and chases him through the parking garage they were in. Hajime, however, saw this coming and set it up so that Kanade would be exhausted when she had to face off with her true opponent, Sonia, who swiftly gives her a No Holds Barred Beat Down.
  • The Quantum Crew taking part in the Storm Arc and showcasing their unique teamwork and fighting skills.
    Kotoko: And I could kill you. I could kill you over and over and over, and it still wouldn’t be enough. Nothing I do would ever be enough for what you did to me. So I’m not going to. You know what I’m gonna do instead, “papa?”
    Junya: Wh-what...?
    Kotoko: I’m gonna let you live with this! We’re gonna turn you over to the police and you’re going to spend the rest of your life rotting in prison, thinking about how all of this is your fault and you have nobody to blame but yourself!
    Junya: But… But Kotoko, we’re family!
    Kotoko: No. We’re not. I have a real family now, and it’s not the name “Utsugi,” that’s for sure. You tried so hard to break me, but you couldn’t. I beat you. You can’t hurt me anymore, so what will killing you accomplish for anyone? Lucky you, Utsugi Junya. You get to live with that. Goodbye. Forever.
  • When an angry mob forms around Hope's Peak, demanding Kasugano's head, both Sonia and Nikei both try to stop them, the former by Shaming the Mob and the latter (after the former fails) by claiming to be Kasugano, neither caring about the risk.
    • Which followed by a surprise appearance of Ayame and Kiriko Nishizawa, who manage to not only defuse the situation, but convince the mob to join with them in helping save their kidnapped loved ones.
  • Kana and Damian managing to outwit Maverick, managing to steal his laptop and escape, even while he has a gun pointed at them and Damian being crippled from Maverick already shooting him.
  • Byakuya Togami manages to organize all of the civilians into a rescue party and when Tsurugi tries to call him out for not doing anything to find Kasugano, Byakuya not only points out that that's his job, but asks why he's not going, pointing out that he's letting his dad completely rule his life.
  • After getting into Maverick's office to steal his laptop, Chiaki gives a pretty awesome speech about why listening to Maverick was wrong, before proceeding to escape from him with some impressive parkour.
  • Storm's final line of defense is a series of robots, along with one more attempt to break Chiaki by attempting to pin the whole mess on her. Not only does everyone take the chance to call him out of his bullshit, they do an impressive job against the robots.
  • Kyoji managing to drive Maverick into a Villainous Breakdown by revealing that A. he actually had a child with the girl he believed he caused to miscarry and B. managing to outwit him by wearing a bulletproof vest.
  • During the Family Feud Arc, after having been silent about her mother's tyrannical abuse and mistreatment of her family, Maiko finally steps up and puts her mother in her place with a well earned "The Reason You Suck" Speech beautifully detailing how Izumi contributes nothing to the Saionji Clan, how everyone is better off without her, and how she'll no longer have control over her daughter Hiyoko's life.
  • At the same time, Iroha competes against her older sister in a children's card game. The stakes are high, but the whole game shows that Akemi, who initially held disdain for her younger sister, now shows shades of respect to her for breaking away from their abusive household and has become much stronger as a result. She even uses the game to inspire hope onto her other siblings to show that they too can escape.
  • In the Black and White Christmas Arc Honoka nearly gets kidnapped by a random stranger while out shopping with Teruko. Teruko (who's in the car watching) starts crying and slamming on the car's horn, catching the attention of none other than Mondo Oowada who quickly leads a bunch of Crazy Diamond members after the kidnapper. Needless to say, the kidnapper doesn't get very far, (nor get away unscathed).
  • The heist against the Nijiue family. In true Ocean's 11 style, several group members perform a heist on the Nijiues to steal the vital evidence they need to prove their suspicions about the Nijiues... They get way more evidence than they asked for, and nobody gets caught.
