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  • "Shared Hardship, Common Enemy", where the the entire MVTF team, even the Earth-Restricted SG-1 and Rainbow teams, comes together to use The Power of Friendship to power Sailor Moon enough to take on Ancalogia.
  • The entirety of Winds of Change, where the Platoon demolishes a greedy clan of bandit wizards in Fiore led by Erigor. In a setting where unpowered humans are considered playthings in the hands of tyrannical wizards, the Platoon, through crafty planning and plenty of weapons, subdue and make fools of individuals who could decimate armies.
  • The ending of Broken provides a long overdue Karma Houdini Warranty for the Lutece Twins. After an unfathomable amount of time interfering in countless existences across multiple realities, ruining lives to satisfy their curiosity and escaping the consequences due to their manipulation of the timeline, Robert and Rosalind Lutece are finally trapped with a collapsing timeline. They survive due to their Paradox Person status, but now have no means of escape and quickly turn on each other in frustration. Their deserving fates are summed up nicely by none other than Rod Serling himself:
    “There are always consequences for actions, good or ill. The futures we face are direct consequences of the actions and choices we undertake. Take the case of Rosalind and Robert Lutece, scientists desperate for recognition, who have found that unchecked desires for discovery brought them suffering, bring them suffering, and will bring them suffering. Their future is now a Hell of their own making…in the Twilight Zone.”
