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Awesome / A Certain Scientific Mental Out

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  • Misaki and Junko are ambushed. Their assailants, knowing Misaki has to aim her remote, are not worried because they have her surrounded. Misaki is not concerned, and swears she'll have them all kissing the pavement. Before anyone knows what's happening, Junko has taken them all out, and caught a falling Misaki to boot.
    Misaki: [waving remote] This is not my only weapon.
  • Yuiitsu Kihara vs the Tokiwadai Dormitory Supervisor. At this point in the timeline, Yuiitsu doesn't have all the enhancements that made her so dangerous during her run as Arc Villain during New Testament. However, she's still a Badass Normal who's pretty much evenly matched against the Dormitory Supervisor with pure martial arts alone. It says something when the students hear about the battle, and they treat the intruder as a legitimate threat because she wasn't instantly defeated.
    • Halfway through the fight, Yuiitsu takes a student hostage and forces her to use her esper powers against the Dorm Supervisor, half because she wants to test out her anti-esper combat abilities, and half because they were that evenly matched. The Dorm Supervisor simply tells the student not to hold back, and tanks what Yuiitsu assesses to be a Level 4 attack that wouldn't be out of place with the Dark Side. Multiple times. She's only slightly singed.
