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Main Story

  • Izumi's resolve to save the theater. Even though Sakyo appeared as an imposing yakuza, she was not afraid to ask that he would retract his statement about her Disappeared Dad if she successfully managed the theater.
  • Tsuzuru successfully juggling between scriptwriting and acting in the first act, even though he passed out after pulling an all-nighter to write the script and his acting got torn to shreds by Yuzo. He had no theater experience to begin with.
  • Itaru's sprained ankle was causing a mess during the play, but Sakuya kept the show going on by adlibbing.
  • When Yuki and Muku were passing the flyers for Water Me!, a bunch of Jerkass showed up and said nasty stuff to Yuki about his crossdressing habit. Yuki managed to hold his ground, recite Scheherazade's lines, and silence them. Made more awesome in the anime, in which Yuki just shoves the flyer to the bullies as he recites the lines.
  • Juza started off as the worst actor in Autumn Troupe, but he worked hard for it. Then when Yuzo asked the troupe to make their portraits, he came out on the top. This also gave Banri, who had been making fun of Juza and finding that life was too easy for him, a taste of defeat.
  • While Juza and Banri are handcuffed together. Izumi's bag gets stolen and both boys work together to catch the thief. They beat him up after said thief threatened them with a knife.
  • During the play, the troupe was shaken when their gun props went missing. Juza kept everything going by making a Finger Gun in his pocket, which impressed the audience and made them think that the troupe still had the guns.
  • With Banri's and Juza's support, Taichi declared to Reni, the one who had sent Taichi as a mole and threatened him if he retracted the deal, that he is not going back to God Troupe.
    • Banri telling Reni to "Mind your manners, sit your asses down, and watch the show." Both awesome and heartwarming.
  • Tasuku may be the top talent in God Troupe, but is greatly annoyed by Reni's act of sending Taichi to sabotage Mankai Company. Tasuku bluntly voiced his displeasure to Reni and left.
  • Autumn Troupe successfully persuading Tasuku into joining Mankai Company.
  • It's clear that Tsumugi was shaken when Reni approached him and dissed his acting, but Tsumugi managed to muster up the courage and tell Reni: "I'm going to act you and your troupe into the ground."
  • Mankai Company's victory over God Troupe and having their debt paid off is glorious.
  • By the end of the act-off, Tsumugi got to take a jab at Reni for all his vitriol against him. What's more, when Reni expected Tsumugi to laugh at him, Tsumugi instead thanked him for everything and said that he wouldn't have reached this point if not for Reni. Revenge is a dish Best Served Cold indeed.
  • Sakyo and Sakoda walking up to Reni and demanding the money from him, as part of the act-off deal.


  • Sakuya [Catch of the Day]: Sakuya caught the legendary fish Citron talked about and got to give it a name. He also traded it with loads of fish and helped others escape Izumi's curry hell. Sakuya's luck extends to beyond gacha.
  • Sakuya [Tin-Plated Memories]: Sakuya performs in his first guest appearance very well. Izumi even notes how Sakuya first started out, and now he has grown into a fine actor.
  • Tenma [Standing Rehearsal]: Tenma got all the good stuff from a supermarket sale. Turned out that he had been using his reputation as an actor from a soap opera to get the ladies helping him. He had to trade it off with giving autographs, shaking hands, and getting patted in the head however.
  • Misumi [Captain Sky's Pirates]: When the Summer Troupe goes to a pirate-themed amusement park to get the air about their characters right, they play a game of tag with one of the pirates, who boasts to have never been defeated before. Misumi, being, well, Misumi, breaks his winning streak in a few seconds, and ends up winning...triangular pins, which ends up surprising the rest of our cast. (Amusingly, Misumi was asking if he'd win a triangular prize beforehand, with the others saying that that is not likely).
  • Kazunari [Captain Sky's Pirates]: Together with Izumi, he manages to make the curry stand that always became last gain popularity. While Izumi helps their average-tasting curry reach new levels, Kazunari, being the graphic design talent he is, revives their logo and stand. They become a hit, and although they become second, it's better than being last.
  • Juza [Keep Out!]: Matsukawa and Kamekichi quarreled to the point that Kamekichi left. Juza managed to convince Kamekichi back and make him apologize to Matsukawa, on top of saving Izumi when all the ruckus with the bird caused her to fall off a tree.
  • Omi [Bold Flavors]: When Izumi headed to the convenience store at night, two shady guys approached her. They harassed Izumi, but then Omi showed up. Omi glared and threatened to break their hands if they kept pestering Izumi, pretty much slipping into his Former Delinquent habit. The shady guys ran off in fear.
    • Before that, the guys were already terrified at hearing Omi's name because he was that Crazy Wolf.
  • Tsumugi [Winter Is Coming]: Tsumugi might look the least confident in the rock-paper-scissors line-up, but then he curbstomps everyone with psychology.
  • Tsumugi [My Master's Mesmerized by Mystery]: Matsukawa plays violin very well.
  • Tasuku [Grown-Up Field Trip]: In the Autumn Troupe vs Winter Troupe pillow fight, it is apparent that Autumn Troupe has an advantage due to it consisting of The Big Guy of the company, whereas Winter Troupe is... As said by Tasuku, Tsumugi can't throw to save his life, Homare will be busy reciting poems, Hisoka is a Sleepy Head, and Azuma lacks stamina. However, when the fight commences, Tsumugi and Azuma use psychology and dirty tricks including the classic Look Behind You to compensate the lack of athleticism, all while Homare supplies Hisoka with marshmallows.
  • Hisoka [Run Through the Night]: Banri and Juza argue when Hisoka is asleep. Tsumugi doesn't make angry face often, but this time he does, and he tells the two to stop bickering. It works. Said job is usually Sakyo's job.
  • Azuma [Winter Is Coming]: The boys choose to keep playing poker and refuse to sleep. Then Azuma proposes that whoever wins the next round gets to order the losers to do whatever he wants. When Azuma wins the match, he orders everybody to sleep.


  • High Spirits at the Hot Spring has Banri and Tsumugi pitted against Omi and Tasuku in a table tennis match. Bad news, considering that Omi and Tasuku were both big sporty guys in the troupe (and even dubbed as Macho Men by Hisoka), all while Tsumugi was a scrawny guy whom Omi really wanted to feed, Juza wanted to protect during late night shopping, and also someone who often had issues with stiff body. Omi and Tasuku were curbstomping Banri and Tsumugi until Tsumugi told Banri about Tasuku's weakness and they used it to their advantage. They still lost, but nonetheless, they gave the Macho Men a run for their money.
  • Sparkling Summer Memories:
    • Tenma gets handicapped by having to wear a mask during the play in the festival, but the team just pulls through with flying colors. To be specific, they use his ugly mask as a character trait, making the audience laugh. At the end, when they have to switch quickly for the new topic, "Ghost Stories", they also use his mask as part of the script, where they play yokai who, a la Monsters, Inc., scare people, finding a perfect use for the mask.
    • Masumi freezes up during the final performance, but Tsumugi saves him and keeps the play going by saying that Masumi passes out while standing up.
  • In Blazing Beachside Passion, due to the tension between Muku and Juza, they struggle with their performance in front of a crowd. Kazunari catches their conversation and carries on.
  • In A Tag-Team Halloween, Haruto beat Tsuzuru and Omi in an etude and took all of their candies. Izumi, Tasuku, and Taichi happened to pass by, and Haruto saw Taichi, formerly a God Troupe ensemble and pawn, in a magician's costume (which would always be worn by the top actor in God Troupe in Halloween) and made fun of him. Tasuku was none too pleased and pointed out how Haruto was still not on the top of God Troupe, as he wore a werewolf costume.
    • This angered Haruto, who challenged Tasuku and Taichi to an etude battle. Tasuku simply told him to bring it on, and the Tasuku-Taichi pair won. With all the candies, Mankai won the event at the end.
  • hAve A greAt trip had Tenma getting robbed. Misumi, Itaru, Tenma, and Kazu went to chase the thief and had him cornered, but the thief still escaped. Then they came across Homare, who immediately caught the thief. With nothing but a hug, as he mistook the thief for a fan.
  • The 3rd Anniversary story, Starring Party, has a chilling, memorable moment from Homare, as revealed by Guy. During a Phantom of the Opera run, there was a scene in which the vengeful Phantom (Guy) choked Richard (Homare) as an attempt to kill him. As the story is voiced, you can hear Richard croaking in the scene. But then Homare adlibbed in an insult and a roar of defiance, angering Guy and greatly increasing the tension of the scene.


  • The stage version of My Master's Mesmerized by Mystery has Keiichi trying to assassinate Shiki with a knife. It turns out to be a trap, and Sagishima is there waiting for him in the dark... When Keiichi attacks, Sagishima gracefully and effortlessly grabs Keiichi's hand, uses his arm as a leverage, and slams his face against a chair before keeping him in place.
  • The stage version of Nocturnality has Izumi vs Franz, who wields a rapier and dual knives respectively. They clash, and Franz ends the fight with a spin kick to Izumi's face, after disarming him.


  • Tenma & Juza: When a few high school boys picked on Tenma for not wanting to give them the number of the ladies he starred with, Juza passed by. The boys all flee at the mention of Juza's name.


  • The sword fight in Romeo and Julius. Mercutio clashing with Tybalt, and Romeo cutting down Tybalt, and lastly, Romeo's and Julius' clash. This is notable because although these scenes were in the game, they are not restrained by the Take Our Word for It present in the game due to its Visual Novel storytelling, and we can see them in their full glory.
  • The curtain call after Romeo and Julius, where the entire Spring Troupe goes to the stage in slow motion, complete with a beautiful instrumental arrangement of Mankai Kaika Sengen.


  • In one of the daily login lines, Tsumugi spooks Sakyo. Yes, the yakuza most company members are afraid of is unnerved by the resident Adorkable Nice Guy because he just sees right through him.
