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Artistic License History / Isabelle of Paris

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While the anime has many instances of Shown Their Work, it has even more instances of Artistic License – History.

Above: The flags of the Prussian army (1870) depicted in Isabelle of Paris. Below: How the flag really looked like.

  • When the Prussian army is seen invading France, their military uniforms are dark green. Prussian military uniforms in the 1870s were actually dark bluenote . Oddly enough, the anime got the French military uniforms down correctly.
  • The Prussian flag is depicted as blue and red. In real life, it looked like this
  • The anime's repeated insistence that the Prussians have a rule not to shoot women or children, which is blatantly untrue.


  • The French flag is depicted as the modern-day tricolore flag, but since the anime is set in 1870, it should have been this.
  • Apart from correctly noting the date when it occured (May 21, 1871), the depiction of the Semaine sanglante has many historical inaccuracies.
    • Andréa claims that the French army do not take prisoners and kill indiscriminately, but in Real Life, 43,522 Communards were taken prisoner, including 1,054 women, though most were sentenced to death, hard labour and deportation.
    • The soldiers are depicted as blindly following orders, when in Real Life many of them switched sides and refused to open fire on civilians.
    • The leader of the Paris Commune was Louis Charles Delescluze, not Jules Francoeur.

Real life people

  • Adolphe Thiers and Léon Gambetta were indeed real people, but the anime depicts them as arch-enemies with Thierry as a sociopathic Rich Bitch and Gambetta as the Bourgeoisie government's Token Good Teammate, when in real life the two were friends-turned-political-opponents.
  • The anime takes the Historical Villain Upgrade to the extreme with Thiers, having him dry the French capital of wealth and diginity for his own purposes, and flee to Prussia when he receives backlash for his unpopular decisions.
  • Thiers in Real Life opposed the French war with Prussia, knowing that a conflict with Bismarck's forces was too dangerous. In the anime, he agrees to the Prussians invading the country in exchange for protecting his wealth.
  • Léon Gambetta in Real Life was a lawyer and Republican statesman, but in the anime, he is a General.
  • No, Thiers did not personally plot the death of Léon Gambetta in Real Life.
  • No, Thiers did not sabotage France during the Battle of Champigny.
  • No, Thiers did not flee France in March 1871 because of his unpopular decisions.note 
  • No, Thiers was not a wealthy landowner, he was the bastard child of a government official and became a Self-Made Man through journalism. He did become wealthy later in life though.
  • No, Thiers never said that the Parisians weren't the true French, and that the true French were the citizens of Versailles.
  • No, Thiers wasn't green.
